Awards and Recognitions
Year and Award
Awarded Unit(s)
Award Category
The Ombudsman’s Awards 2022
Awarded Unit(s)
Office of the Ombudsman, Hong Kong
Award Category
- Corporate and Branding
Ombudsman's Awards 2022 - The Story of Kam Ling Court
The subject building, Kam Ling Court, is a 13 storeys building at Nos. 10-20 Whitty Street HK which was built in 1963 with 78 domestic units. Most of the owners in this building are elderly.
The chairman and active members of the Kam Ling Court's Owners' Corporation (OC) were all in their eighties. The OC determined to response the received statutory orders and applied to join the rehabilitation subsidy scheme. And these elderly members of the OC worried much for their lack of the knowledge and understanding for planning and proceeding the inspection and repair works.
Mr. Charles Sun, the assigned URA case officer to Kam Ling Court understood the difficulties and problems encountered by the OC of this building, and offered the guidance to the OC all along the journey of the rehabilitation process till the end of the works.
The extra effort by the URA staff to help the needy owners for the successful completion of the project was appreciated by the Office of the Ombudsman for the Ombudsman Award.
Grand Award and Sustainable Development Award
- Hong Kong Building (Renovation / Revitalization)
Quality Building Award 2022
Awarded Unit(s)
Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers
Award Category
- Planning, Architecture and Construction
The Quality Building Award (QBA) is a biennial industry award bestowed upon industry players demonstrating excellent teamwork capabilities and maintaining the highest standards of professionalism in the design and construction of quality buildings.
Central Market was awarded for setting an example in balancing the goals of conservation and revitalization to attract the public's attention and consumption.
2021/22 HKIHRM HR Excellence Award
(1) Elite Winner - Organisational Category - Elite Innovation Award
(2) Special Award for COVID-19 Response
Awarded Unit(s)
The Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management
Award Category
- Innovation and Technology
- Human Resources
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, URA has been implementing various innovative measures to manage the risk of spreading COVID-19 virus and to ensure business continuity. The purposes of our Project are to safeguard the health and safety of our staff members and ensure the continued progress of urban renewal during COVID-19 pandemic.
HKIHRM HR Excellence Awards 2021/22
Merit Learning and Development Award -
Organisational Category
Awarded Unit(s)
The Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management
Award Category
- Innovation and Technology
- Human Resources
In driving the “Smart Urban Renewal” work, the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) decided to build a Geographic Information System (GIS) based system, named “Urban Renewal Information System” (URIS) and embarked on the journey to become a data-driven organisation with an IT-savvy workforce. A dedicated training plan with a series of customised in-house training programmes was implemented to support the development of URIS, sharpen our staff’s mindset for change and groom them to become Location Intelligence talents.
HKIHRM HR Excellence Awards 2021/22
1. Elite Technology Application Award - Organisational Category
2. Special Award for COVID-19 Response
Awarded Unit(s)
The Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management
Award Category
- Innovation and Technology
- Human Resources
Nurturing our staff is one of the missions of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA). We developed our own all-in-one enterprise learning management and knowledge exchange platform to safeguard URA’s critical knowledge and unique project experience, enrich staff’s learning experience and automate the training administration for better operational efficiency. The Learning Platform was launched during the COVID-pandemic period, offering a flexible and effective learning experience for all staff regardless of their work locations.
Supporting Organisation for Writing Chinese Calligraphy
Achieving SDG Goal 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions
SDG World Records Certificate
Awarded Unit(s)
SocietyNext Foundation
Award Category
- Green and Sustainability