Press Releases
Year 2020
9 Sep 2020
卑利街╱嘉咸街發展項目歷史建築保育工作進展要點 (Chinese Version only)
市區重建局(市建局)今日(2020年9月9日)就卑利街╱嘉咸街發展項目的歷史建築的保育工作,包括威靈頓街120號永和雜貨店唐樓(永和唐樓)的保育工程,闡述建築物的臨時加固工程及未來保育路向的要點,詳情如下。 永和唐樓結構嚴重老化 永和唐樓是一幢已有120年歷史的舊建築,原來的外牆、木樓板及頂蓋等結構已嚴重老化及侵蝕,整體結構並不健全。因此,市建局於2007年7月啟動卑利街/嘉咸街項目,並於2008年10月完成收購永和唐樓後,便開始持續監察樓宇狀況,並適時進行保養維修,避免樓宇出現安全風險。 巿建局於2017年底與項目的合作發展商簽訂合作發展協議後,發展商已委聘一所曾在香港參與多項文物建築保育項目的資深保育建築顧問公司,就永和唐樓的保育方案與古蹟辦及屋宇署進行磋商,並提交工程方案予相關政府部門審批。 發展商和文物保育顧問於2018年為永和唐樓進行全面結構勘察,發現樓宇雖然無即時危險,但已呈嚴重老態,例如外牆出現裂痕,屋頂和木樓板亦已受侵蝕而腐爛。在2018年6月颱風過後,屋頂後方平面位置的部份石屎更脫落塌下,壓毁了一樓及二樓的部分木樓板;同年7月,樓宇其中一面外牆出現裂痕,在2樓窗戶附近的青磚塌下的情況。 為免進一步影響樓宇結構,市建局在知會屋宇署及古蹟辦後,按結構工程顧問建議進行緊急工程,加固外牆、移除鬆脫的石屎和破損的樓板。其後,工程承辦商及文物保育顧問亦於2019年10月向屋宇署提交臨時加固工程的具體方案。這項臨時加固工程已於2019年11月獲屋宇署批准,並向古蹟辦報告。 臨時加固工程不會影響建築物保育 臨時加固工程獲得批准後,工程承建商於2019年12月展開相關的工程。這項核准臨時加固工程包括在四面牆身加裝臨時鋼結構,取代於2018年時為套緊整幢建築四面外牆而加裝的五層鋼索箍,以進一步加強樓宇的結構穩定性及保護,並防止外牆的裂
21 Aug 2020
URA extends rent relief period for tenants
In view of the severe impact brought by COVID-19 pandemic to the economy of Hong Kong, the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) announces today (21 August 2020) to extend the rent relief for its domestic and commercial tenants in its properties, as well as the commercial tenants in its joint ventured shopping malls, for another three months. The URA’s rent relief measures announced earlier for the months from April 2020 till the end of September, will be continued until the end of December 2020 in a bid to assist URA’s tenants in the face of current economic challenges and support employment over difficult times. The relief measures will continue to benefit the tenants with details as follows: 75% rent relief for a total of 350 households in the rehousing blocks and the acquired prop
20 Aug 2020
URA encourages young people to unleash innovative spirit to help achieve ageing in place for elderly in old districts
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) has been collaborating with the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) and Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI), both under the Vocational Training Council (VTC), to co-organise an Innovative Design Competition for three years. This year’s competition, with the theme of “Smart Living for Elderly”, aims to encourage tertiary students to unleash their creativity and apply the knowledge acquired in schools to create devices for use in residential flats or building designs that can help achieve “ageing in place”, thereby fostering an elderly-friendly living environment and a sustainable community. As the Government’s latest social-distancing measures are still in force in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the URA organised the Final Adjudication c
19 Aug 2020
URA receives international accolade for its revitalisation of community space H6 CONET through “place-making” concept
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) adopted a new place-making concept in creating H6 CONET, the community space located on the ground floor of The Center, for public enjoyment when it was opened in October 2017. Following this major facelift and retrofitting of the venue, the URA has been extending its place-making effort to beautify the adjacent streets to enhance the unique local characteristics of the surrounding district. With its innovative planning and design, the project received international commendation for creating a community space in the hustling urban centre while inspiring thoughts of life. In the 2020 Muse Design Awards announced in April this year, H6 CONET clinched the highest rank of Platinum in the category of “Interior Design ‒ Civic / Public” to become one of the
14 Jul 2020
Temporary closure of URA facilities
In view of the Government’s latest measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) announces today (14 July 2020) that its facilities will be temporarily closed from tomorrow (15 July 2020). All educational activities and docent services will also be temporarily suspended until further notice. Facilities to be temporarily closed include the Urban Renewal Exploration Centre, SPORTS EXPO, as well as the community spaces, exhibition areas and multi-purpose rooms of H6 CONET, 7 Mallory Street and 618 Shanghai Street. During the temporary closure of H6 CONET’s facilities, all of its entrances and exits will remain open to facilitate public access to the six adjacent streets. While the Urban Renewal Resource Centre will remain open during office hours, its
30 Jun 2020
URA enhances three subsidy schemes on building rehabilitation
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (30 June 2020) announces that the second round of Operation Building Bright 2.0 Scheme (OBB 2.0 Scheme) and Fire Safety Improvement Works Subsidy Scheme (FSW Scheme) will open for application on 2 July 2020. Together with the launch of the Building Maintenance Grant Scheme for Needy Owners (BMGSNO) on the same day, the URA is providing comprehensive assistance to more needy owners to properly maintain and repair their buildings. In recent years, the URA has devoted additional manpower and resources to assist building owners in conducting building rehabilitation works. In December 2019, the Government further entrusted the URA to take over, from the Hong Kong Housing Society, the administration of the Building Maintenance Grant Scheme for Elderly
22 Jun 2020
Deadline for submission of second round application for Lift Modernisation Subsidy Scheme extends to 30 September
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) announces today (22 June 2020) that in view of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on convening owners’ meetings, the deadline for submission of the second round of Lift Modernisation Subsidy Scheme (LIMSS) will be extended from 30 June 2020 to 30 September 2020, allowing sufficient time for building owners to deliberate and resolve on making the application. To promote lift modernisation and to enhance the safety level of aged lifts, the Government launched the LIMSS in 2019 in partnership with the URA to provide financial assistance and professional support to encourage building owners in need to expedite the planning and implementation of lift modernisation works. The first round of application for the LIMSS ran from 29 March 2019 to 1 August 2
18 Jun 2020
Full reopening of SPORTS EXPO
In view of the Government’s relaxation of social distancing measures as epidemic situation stabilises, the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) announces today (18 June 2020) that SPORTS EXPO, located in THE FOREST in Mong Kok, will fully reopen on 19 June 2020 (Friday). Following the reopening of public visiting sessions in earlier time, SPORTS EXPO will resume its group visiting sessions and reopen its Virtual Reality (VR) game zone. The online booking service ( is resumed with immediate effect for interested parties to book their visit at the date and time slot available. SPORTS EXPO opens from Monday to Sunday from 12:00nn to 9:00pm. The implementation of infection control measures will be continued at SPORTS EXPO to reduce the risk of infection and the spread
11 Jun 2020
URA welcomes appointment of Eric Poon as Executive Director
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (11 June) welcomes the Government's appointment of Mr Eric Poon as an Executive Director of the URA, effective 15 July 2020. Mr Poon will succeed Mr Michael Ma who will retire next month. He will be responsible for formulating and implementing policies and initiatives on matters relating to planning and design, property and land, and corporate services. “Having worked for 23 years in the former Land Development Corporation and the URA, Mr Poon has profound knowledge and experience in urban regeneration and the work of URA, in particular in project and contract management for the implementation of redevelopment projects. On behalf of the URA Board, I look forward to working closely with Mr Poon, in his new capacity as one of the Executive Direc
5 Jun 2020
Urban Renewal Exploration Centre reopens all visiting sessions and docent services
In view of the Government’s phased school resumption as epidemic situation stabilises, the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) announces today (5 June 2020) that, following the previous resumption of part of its facilities, the Urban Renewal Exploration Centre (UREC) will reopen all visiting sessions and docent services on 8 June 2020 (Monday). Following the resumption of public visiting sessions on Fridays in earlier time, the UREC will resume its visiting sessions for schools and non-government organisations from Mondays to Thursdays, as well as docent services at old urban district. The online booking service ( is resumed with immediate effect for interested parties to book their visit at the date and time slot available. For SPORTS EXPO located in Mong K