Press Releases
Year 2020
24 Nov 2020
Positive response with over 4,906 applications received for 43 “Starter Homes” units at URA’s eResidence
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) receives more than 4,906 applications for its 43 remaining units in eResidence which are designated as “Starter Homes” (SH) units upon the close of application submission at 7pm on 23 November 2020. Since the commencement of applications for the 43 SH units on 10 November 2020, more than 410 visitors have viewed the on-site show flats, while the enquiry service hotline has received over 1,320 enquiries on information including eligibility criteria, sales arrangement and show-flat appointment. The show flats will remain open for viewing until 21 December 2020 for those applicants who have submitted their applications. Those applicants who are interested to view the show flats are requested to make appointments via the online booking system (www.eres
20 Nov 2020
URA welcomes appointments to the Board
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (20 November 2020) welcomes the Government’s appointment/reappointment of four non-executive directors (non-official) of the URA Board, for a term of three years with effect from 1 December 2020. The three new non-official non-executive directors are Mr William Chan Fu-keung, Mr Kwok Wai-keung and Mr Tony Tse Wai-chuen, whereas Mr Evan Au Yang Chi-chun is re-appointed as non-official non-executive director. “The members of the Board come from a wide spectrum of professions and sectors in the community with extensive experience and expertise. Their involvement will support the URA in fulfilling the important mission of taking forward urban renewal in Hong Kong. On behalf of the URA Board, I would like to extend our warmest welcome to the th
16 Nov 2020
URA displays “LeaveHomeSafe” venue QR codes to support Government’s launch of COVID-19 exposure notification mobile app
In response to the launch of the Government’s “LeaveHomeSafe” COVID-19 exposure notification mobile app which is available for public download starting from today (16 November), the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) has arranged for display the “LeaveHomeSafe” venue QR codes at its 43 venues including offices, public facilities and properties held by the URA, to facilitate members of the public to record the date and time for checking into venues, receiving COVID-19 exposure notifications and health advice. The URA venues showing the QR codes include its headquarters in Sheung Wan, all district offices, public facilitates, development projects, preservation and revitalisation projects, commercial properties that are owned and managed by the URA, as well as the seven shopping malls jointly
9 Nov 2020
43 “Starter Homes” units at URA’s eResidence open for application starting 10 November
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) announces today (9 November 2020) that a total of 43 remaining units in eResidence are designated as “Starter Homes” (SH) units and open to eligible persons for application starting from 10 November 2020 till 7pm on 23 November 2020. These 43 units are the remaining units in eResidence after the sale of the 450 units under the SH Pilot Project in 2019. In accordance with the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance, the URA uploaded the updated sales brochure on 5 November 2020 and published the price list today on the eResidence website ( and the Sales of First-hand Residential Properties Electronic Platform ( In response to the 2019 Policy Address made by the Chief Executive on the new initiatives o
19 Oct 2020
URA issues acquisition offers to Kai Tak Road/Sa Po Road Development Scheme
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (19 October 2020) issued acquisition offers to property owners affected by the Kai Tak Road/Sa Po Road Development Scheme (the Project) in Kowloon City. Eligible owner-occupiers of domestic properties of the Project will be offered $17,698 per square foot of saleable area, which is the unit rate of a seven-year old notional replacement flat situated in the same locality (“Notional Unit Rate”). The Notional Unit Rate was approved by the Land, Rehousing and Compensation Committee (LRCC) of the URA Board. In line with the established mechanism, the URA appointed seven independent consultancy firms by open ballot to assess the Notional Unit Rate for the Project. The Notional Unit Rate was assessed by independent surveyors on 9 October, based on the
16 Oct 2020
URA commences new redevelopment project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (16 October 2020) commences the statutory planning procedures of the Shantung Street/Thistle Street Development Scheme (YTM-012) in Mong Kok. Adopting a planning-led urban renewal approach, the project will improve the environment of old districts through restructuring and re-planning of the project area, allowing more efficient urban renewal with greater planning benefits. General Manager (Planning and Design) of the URA, Mr Lawrence Mak, said at today’s press conference, “YTM-012 is implemented in accordance with the objectives set out in the 2011 Urban Renewal Strategy. The project aims to enhance the livability, accessibility and vibrancy of the community through restructuring and re-planning of the site for improved urban design and the bet
5 Oct 2020
Second-round applications involving around 3,200 lifts received for Lift Modernisation Subsidy Scheme
Launched by the Government in partnership with the Urban Renewal Authority (URA), the Lift Modernisation Subsidy Scheme (LIMSS) closed its second-round submission of application on 30 September 2020. According to preliminary counting, the URA received around 920 applications involving around 3,200 lifts. To promote lift modernisation and to enhance the safety of aged lifts, the Chief Executive announced in the 2018 Policy Address the launching of LIMSS to provide financial assistance and professional support to encourage building owners in need to organise and pursue the lift modernisation works. Under the first-round application of LIMSS conducted from 29 March to 1 August 2019, a total of about 1,200 applications involving around 5,000 lifts was received. The Steering Committee c
16 Sep 2020
URA and TWGHs’ Young Leaders Programme cultivates leadership and fosters community connectivity
The third Young Leaders Programme jointly organised by the Urban Renewal Authority and the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs) has been concluded with success. Students from seven participating secondary schools employed their knowledge on urban renewal learned from the Programme while injecting creativity to conceive proposals for improving quality of living of the residents in old districts. Launched in October last year and running for 11 months, this year’s Young Leaders Programme required the participating students to study the URA’s preservation and revitalisation project “7 Mallory Street” in the Wan Chai old district to understand the characteristics of this historic building and its surrounding communal environment. Backed up by the study, the students of each school submitte
11 Sep 2020
Reopening of URA facilities
In view of the Government’s phased resumption of public services as epidemic situation stabilises, the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) announces today (11 September 2020) that its facilities will reopen on 14 September 2020 (Monday). The Urban Renewal Exploration Centre (UREC) and SPORTS EXPO will resume its visiting sessions on 14 September. The online booking service of the two facilities (UREC:, SPORTS EXPO: are resumed with immediate effect for the public to book their visit at the date and time slot available. The UREC’s docent services at old urban district and SPORTS EXPO’s group visiting sessions will remain suspended until further notice. In addition, the public seating areas in H6 CONET, 7 Mallory Street and 618 Sha
9 Sep 2020
卑利街╱嘉咸街發展項目歷史建築保育工作進展要點 (Chinese Version only)
市區重建局(市建局)今日(2020年9月9日)就卑利街╱嘉咸街發展項目的歷史建築的保育工作,包括威靈頓街120號永和雜貨店唐樓(永和唐樓)的保育工程,闡述建築物的臨時加固工程及未來保育路向的要點,詳情如下。 永和唐樓結構嚴重老化 永和唐樓是一幢已有120年歷史的舊建築,原來的外牆、木樓板及頂蓋等結構已嚴重老化及侵蝕,整體結構並不健全。因此,市建局於2007年7月啟動卑利街/嘉咸街項目,並於2008年10月完成收購永和唐樓後,便開始持續監察樓宇狀況,並適時進行保養維修,避免樓宇出現安全風險。 巿建局於2017年底與項目的合作發展商簽訂合作發展協議後,發展商已委聘一所曾在香港參與多項文物建築保育項目的資深保育建築顧問公司,就永和唐樓的保育方案與古蹟辦及屋宇署進行磋商,並提交工程方案予相關政府部門審批。 發展商和文物保育顧問於2018年為永和唐樓進行全面結構勘察,發現樓宇雖然無即時危險,但已呈嚴重老態,例如外牆出現裂痕,屋頂和木樓板亦已受侵蝕而腐爛。在2018年6月颱風過後,屋頂後方平面位置的部份石屎更脫落塌下,壓毁了一樓及二樓的部分木樓板;同年7月,樓宇其中一面外牆出現裂痕,在2樓窗戶附近的青磚塌下的情況。 為免進一步影響樓宇結構,市建局在知會屋宇署及古蹟辦後,按結構工程顧問建議進行緊急工程,加固外牆、移除鬆脫的石屎和破損的樓板。其後,工程承辦商及文物保育顧問亦於2019年10月向屋宇署提交臨時加固工程的具體方案。這項臨時加固工程已於2019年11月獲屋宇署批准,並向古蹟辦報告。 臨時加固工程不會影響建築物保育 臨時加固工程獲得批准後,工程承建商於2019年12月展開相關的工程。這項核准臨時加固工程包括在四面牆身加裝臨時鋼結構,取代於2018年時為套緊整幢建築四面外牆而加裝的五層鋼索箍,以進一步加強樓宇的結構穩定性及保護,並防止外牆的裂