Press Releases
Year 2023
11 Jan 2023
One Tender Received for URA’s Kwun Tong Town Centre Development Areas 4 & 5 Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) received one tender for the development of the Kwun Tong Town Centre Development Areas 4 & 5 Project (the Project) when the invitation for submission of tender closed today (11 January 2023). A tender review panel (TRP) under the URA Board will consider the tender received and make recommendation to the URA Board for its decision. The URA earlier invited interested developers / consortia to submit Expressions of Interest for the Project. After careful consideration of the Expressions of Interest received, the TRP invited 19 developers / consortia to submit tenders. The Kwun Tong Town Centre Project is the URA’s largest single redevelopment project ever, with a phased redevelopment of five areas. The Project, being the last phase of the redevelop
6 Jan 2023
URA Launches the Third-round of Operation Building Bright 2.0 Scheme and Fire Safety Improvement Works Subsidy Scheme
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) announces today (6 January 2023) that the third-round application for Operation Building Bright 2.0 Scheme (OBB 2.0) and the Fire Safety Improvement Works Subsidy Scheme (FSW Scheme) will commence on 1 April 2023. The Schemes aim to assist building owners in carrying out proper maintenance and repair works to improve building safety and the environment. Deterioration of building conditions is a common phenomenon faced by many aged buildings in Hong Kong. To tackle the problem, the Government launched the OBB 2.0 and the FWS Scheme and committed $11.5 billion in 2017 and 2018 to assist building owners in need in carrying out the building inspection and repairs required under the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme (MBIS), as well as necessary fire ser
20 Dec 2022
URA Further Extends Rent Relief Period for Its Tenants
In view of the ongoing impact brought by COVID-19 pandemic to the economy, the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) announces today (20 December 2022) to further extend the rent relief for its domestic and commercial tenants in its properties for another three months, from January 2023 until the end of March 2023, in a bid to assist the URA’s tenants in the face of current economic challenges amid the pandemic to sustain their businesses. The URA’s rent relief measures for its tenants have been in place since April 2020. The cumulative amount of rent concession provided earlier together with the budget earmarked for the upcoming round of measures will reach around HK$243 million. The new round of rent relief will cover around 1,300 domestic and commercial tenants. The measures include:
15 Dec 2022
Tender Award for Development of URA’s Queen’s Road West / In Ku Lane Development Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) announced today (15 December 2022) that the contract for the development of the Queen’s Road West / In Ku Lane Development Project (the Project) in Sai Ying Pun has been awarded to Sky Oasis Enterprises Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CK Asset Holdings Limited, with a tender amount at HK$1,161 million. The URA earlier invited 32 developers to submit tenders for the Project following an expression of interest exercise. The URA received a total of seven tenders from these 32 developers when the submission of tender closed on 24 November 2022. After careful deliberation, the URA Board considered that the tender offer made by Sky Oasis Enterprises Limited has met the tender requirements of the Project and thus decided to award the development cont
7 Dec 2022
URA Publishes Tender Amounts of Unsuccessful Submissions for Wing Kwong Street / Sung On Street Development Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (7 December 2022) published on an anonymous basis the tender amounts offered by the unsuccessful but conforming tenderers in the tender for the development of Wing Kwong Street / Sung On Street Development Project (the Project) in To Kwa Wan. The URA commenced the tender exercise of the Project earlier and a total of seven tenders were received when the tender closed on 6 October 2022. After careful deliberation by the URA Board, the URA awarded the tender for the Project to a consortium, Fortune Hope Limited, consisting of Sino Land Company Limited and China Merchants Land Limited, on 27 October 2022. In addition to publishing the name of the successful consortium and its holding companies upon the award of the tender through a press release, t
2 Dec 2022
URA Commences Redevelopment Project in Central and Western District to Regenerate Built Environment through Integrated Approach
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (2 December 2022) commences the statutory planning procedures for the Queen’s Road West/Kwai Heung Street Development Project (C&W-007) in the Central and Western District. The C&W-007 Project, implemented under the objectives set out in the 2011 Urban Renewal Strategy, will redevelop dilapidated buildings into new ones complying with modern standards and improve the connectivity of the open spaces and the walking environment. At the same time, the redevelopment will also enhance the overall cityscape and regenerate the built environment in the area. The Project site, covering buildings of 15 street numbers, is currently occupied by about 100 families and 20 ground-floor shops. These four-to-six-storey buildings are at an average age of 60, w
24 Nov 2022
Seven Tenders Received for URA’s Queen’s Road West/ In Ku Lane Development Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) received a total of seven tenders for the development of the Queen’s Road West/ In Ku Lane Development Project (the Project) in Sai Ying Pun when the invitation for submission of tender closed today (24 November 2022). A tender review panel (TRP) under the URA Board will consider the tenders received and make recommendation to the URA Board for its decision on the award of the development of the Project. The URA earlier invited interested developers to submit Expressions of Interest for the Project. After careful consideration of the Expressions of Interest received, the TRP invited 32 developers to submit tenders. The Project, which covers a site area of 1,566.7 square metres, was commenced in March 2018. It is planned to provide a total gross
16 Nov 2022
Invitation to Tender for URA’s Kwun Tong Town Centre Development Areas 4 & 5 Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (16 November 2022) invites a total of 19 developers / consortia to tender for the development of the Kwun Tong Town Centre Development Areas 4 & 5 Project (the Project). The URA will provide the relevant tender documents to the invited developers / consortia, based on which they can submit tenders for the development of the Project. All tender submissions should reach the URA Headquarters at 27/F COSCO Tower, 183 Queen’s Road Central, by 12:00 noon on 11 January 2023 (Wednesday). Any submission of the tender received after the specified closing time mentioned above will not be accepted. The tender review panel will consider the tenders received and then make a recommendation to the URA Board for its decision on the award of the development of
27 Oct 2022
Tender Award for Development of URA’s Wing Kwong Street / Sung On Street Development Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) announced today (27 October 2022) that the contract for the development of the Wing Kwong Street / Sung On Street Development Project (the Project) in To Kwa Wan has been awarded to a consortium, Fortune Hope Limited, consisting of Sino Land Company Limited and China Merchants Land Limited, with a tender amount at HK$2,388 million. The URA earlier invited 31 developers / consortia to submit tenders for the Project following an expression of interest exercise. The URA received a total of seven tenders from these 31 developers / consortia when the submission of tender closed on 6 October 2022. After careful deliberation, the URA Board considered that the tender offer made by Fortune Hope Limited has met the tender requirements of the Project and thus
25 Oct 2022
Invitation to Tender for URA’s Queen’s Road West/ In Ku Lane Development Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (25 October 2022) invites a total of 32 developers to tender for the development of the Queen’s Road West/ In Ku Lane Development Project (the Project) in Sai Ying Pun. The URA will provide the relevant tender documents to the invited developers, based on which they can submit tenders for the development of the Project. All tender submissions should reach the URA Headquarters at 26/F COSCO Tower, 183 Queen’s Road Central, by 12:00 noon on 24 November 2022 (Thursday). Any submission of the tender received after the specified closing time mentioned above will not be accepted. The tender review panel will consider the tenders received and then make a recommendation to the URA Board for its decision on the award of the development of the Project.