Press Releases
Year 2023
28 Nov 2023
URA to Conduct Random Assignment of Priority Numbers Tomorrow for eResidence Tower 3 “Starter Homes” Applications
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) will conduct a random assignment of priority numbers (random assignment) tomorrow (29 November 2023) for all of the 3,669 valid applications for the 260 units of the URA’s eResidence Tower 3 Starter Homes for Hong Kong Residents Project. A computer programme developed by the URA will assign a random priority number to each application. The entire process of random assignment will be overseen by a professional independent accountant and recorded on video for archival purpose. When the random assignment is completed, the list of assigned priority numbers and the video recording will be uploaded to the eResidence Tower 3 website ( on the same day. The URA will notify all applicants of their assigned numbers by mail within three wo
16 Nov 2023
Six Tender Submissions Received for the URA’s Shing Tak Street / Ma Tau Chung Road Development Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) received a total of six tender submissions for the development of the Shing Tak Street / Ma Tau Chung Road Development Project (the Project) in Kowloon City before the deadline for submission at noon today (16 November 2023). A tender review panel under the URA Board will carefully examine the submissions received and recommend to the URA Board to make the decision regarding the award of the development contract of the Project. The URA earlier invited interested developers and consortia to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Project. After careful consideration of the EOIs received, the URA invited 32 qualified developers and consortia to submit tenders for the development of the Project according to the principal tender terms previously
27 Oct 2023
3,670 Applications Received for “Starter Homes” Units at the URA’s eResidence Tower 3
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) received 3,670 applications for the 260 units at eResidence Tower 3, a Starter Homes for Hong Kong Residents (SH) Project during the application period which ended on 18 October 2023. According to initial statistics, around 67% of the applications were from individuals, while approximately 33% came from families. Within the family applicants, two-person households made up the majority, accounting for 21% of the total. The majority of applicants, about 86%, were young people under the age of 40. During the application period, the sales office and show flats received over 3,240 visitors. Meanwhile, the dedicated hotline for the SH project answered about 490 enquiries. Over 80% of them specifically related to the eligibility requirements for applica
25 Oct 2023
Responses by URA to 2023 Policy Address
In response to the announcement made by the Chief Executive in the 2023 Policy Address today (25 October 2023) on the new initiatives to enhance the efficiency of urban renewal and building safety, a spokesperson for the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) said the URA welcomes the new initiatives and will fully support their implementation. The URA shares the view as mentioned in the Policy Address that it is necessary to speed up redevelopment and step up maintenance of aged buildings at the same time so as to address the issue of urban decay and ageing buildings. The URA has all along emphasised the importance of building maintenance to prolong the service life of buildings, thus alleviating the pressure on redevelopment. The city then is able to optimise its resources to redevelop t
24 Oct 2023
31 Expressions of Interest Received for URA’s Kai Tak Road / Sa Po Road Development Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) received a total of 31 Expressions of Interest for the development of its Kai Tak Road / Sa Po Road Development Project (the Project) in Kowloon City before the deadline for submission at noon today (24 October 2023). A tender review panel under the URA Board will evaluate the submissions and to shortlist qualified developers and consortia based on their experience and financial capability. The shortlisted developers and consortia will be invited to submit tenders for the development of the Project according to the principal tender terms previously approved by the URA Board. (ENDS)
19 Oct 2023
URA Urges Public to Beware of Suspicious Webpage Related to the Kai Tak Development Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) urges the public to be vigilant about, and cautious of, a suspicious webpage about the URA’s Kai Tak Development Project (the Project). The URA was alerted to a webpage with the domain name featuring the logo, photos and information related to the Project. The webpage claims that onsite and show flat visits can be arranged for members of the public. Buttons that direct the visitors to an instant messaging application to contact the “sales department” of the Project are also provided on the webpage. The URA wishes to emphasise that it has never authorised this webpage to use the logo, photos or information related to the Project, and that it has no affiliation with the webpage. The URA is taking this matter seriously wi
17 Oct 2023
Invitation to Tender – URA’s Shing Tak Street / Ma Tau Chung Road Development Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (17 October 2023) invited a total of 32 developers and consortia to submit a tender for the development of the Shing Tak Street / Ma Tau Chung Road Development Project (the Project) in Kowloon City. The URA will provide the tender documents to the invited developers and consortia to prepare their tenders. Interested developers or consortia have to submit their tender proposals to URA Headquarters at 26/F COSCO Tower, 183 Queen’s Road Central, by 12 noon on 16 November 2023 (Thursday). Late submissions will not be considered. A tender review panel under the URA Board will carefully examine the submissions received and recommend to the URA Board to make the decision regarding the award of the development contract of the Project. The Project,
9 Oct 2023
Invitation for Expression of Interest – URA’s Kai Tak Road / Sa Po Road Development Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) will invite interested developers and consortia to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to develop the Kai Tak Road / Sa Po Road Development Project (the Project) in Kowloon City tomorrow (10 October 2023). The Project, which was commenced in February 2019, was approved by the Chief Executive in Council on 29 September 2020. Covering a site area of 5,307 square metres, the Project will provide approximately 810 residential units with a maximum total gross floor area of 47,763 square metres. In addition, about 800 square metres of the gross floor area will be provided as a Children Care Centre for community uses. As a key component in achieving planning-led and integrated urban renewal, the Project aims to create a vital node that strategically co
26 Sep 2023
260 “Starter Homes” Units at the URA’s eResidence Tower 3 Open for Application from Tomorrow
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) will accept applications for the 260 units at eResidence Tower 3, a Starter Homes (SH) Project for Hong Kong Residents, starting from tomorrow (27 September 2023) until 7 pm on 18 October 2023. In response to the Government’s housing initiative, eResidence has been assigned as an SH project, in which the units were sold at discounted prices to cater for the needs of first-time home buyers. Following the completion of eResidence Towers 1 and 2, an adjacent URA redevelopment project at Chun Tin Street / Sung Chi Street in Hung Hom is designated as eResidence Tower 3 and will integrate to the completed towers to form a cohesive community. Among the 260 SH units in eResidence Tower 3, a flat mix comprising 125 one-bedroom, 108 two-bedroom and 27 three-
15 Sep 2023
URA’s Queen’s Road West / Kwai Heung Street Development Project Authorised by the Secretary for Development
The Secretary for Development (SDEV) has authorised the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) to proceed with the Queen’s Road West / Kwai Heung Street Development Project (the Project) in the Central and Western district. A Gazette notice of this development project under the Urban Renewal Authority Ordinance (URAO) was published today (15 September 2023). During the two-month publication period after the commencement of the Project on 2 December 2022, the URA received submissions of general comments and objections which were considered in accordance with the provisions of the URAO. The URA then submitted its deliberations on the objections to the SDEV on 28 April 2023. After carefully considering the URA’s submission, the unwithdrawn objections, the URA’s related deliberations as well as t