Press Releases
Year 2002
9 Jul 2002
Tender Submission for Tsuen Wan Town Centre Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) has received a total of seven submissions from property developers for the development of the Tsuen Wan Town Centre project, which covers a site area of over 20,000 square metres. The submission of tenders closed today (Tuesday) at 12:00 noon. An URA spokesman described the response as very satisfactory. He said that this showed that private sector developers have a keen interest in URA projects and are ready to participate in joint ventures with the URA in redeveloping run-down areas of the territory. A tender panel under the URA Board will assess proposals by the tenderers and make recommendation to the Board for the award of development contract within the next couple of weeks. The redevelopment is one of the projects commenced by the former Land
5 Jul 2002
URA unveils new project in Sham Shui Po
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) takes a major step forward in implementing its first five-year Corporate Plan with the launch of the redevelopment project at Po On Road/Shun Ning Road in Sham Shui Po district as a task force of 45 staff began a three-day survey today (Friday) to update occupancy records of the 260 affected households. "This project marks the formal start of our five-year Corporate Plan and first-year Business Plan following earlier approval by Government and injection of capital by the Legislature late last month," URA Managing Director, Mr. Billy Lam, said. In fact, this year the Authority has commenced its three "early launch" projects in Sham Shui Po, Tai Kok Tsui and Wan Chai ahead of Government's approval. Outlining project details at an operation briefing fo
28 Jun 2002
New office for Urban Renewal Authority
The office of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) will move to the Low Block of the Grand Millennium Plaza on 181 Queen's Road Central, with effect from 2 July 2002. The telephone number (2588 2222) and fax number (2827 0176 / 2827 0085) remain unchanged. The new office premises, measuring 55,000 square feet in area, includes an information centre where members of the public can access information about the work of the Authority. Besides highlighting the mission and vision of the Authority in respect of redevelopment, revitalisation, rehabilitation and preservation, the information centre also features interactive activities about urban renewal. As a result of office relocation, the Authority will achieve an annual saving of about $22 million. Apart from its main office at the Grand Mil
21 Jun 2002
URA welcomes support given by Finance Committee
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (21 June 2002) welcomed the approval of the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council on the injection of $10 billion into the Authority for implementing its redevelopment projects. Expressing appreciation for the support given by the Legislative Council and the Government, Dr Lau Wah-sum, Chairman of the URA said: "This financial injection is a great contribution to us, enhancing our ability to raise finances to fulfill our Corporate Plan. The Authority is committed to implementing projects outlined in its Corporate and Business Plans in phases and in an expeditious way within the available resources." "It is the objective of the URA to be self-financing in its urban renewal programme in the long run and we will ensure that all projects are
6 Jun 2002
URA Board satisfied with acquisition progress of early projects
The Board of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (6 June 2002) reviewed the acquisition exercise of the three early projects in Sham Shui Po, Tai Kok Tsui and Wan Chai and was satisfied with the progress made so far. As of today, the Authority has acquired 210 property interests, which represented 51 per cent of the total 416 interests. Expressing appreciation for the owners' support and co-operation, Members said the latest progress was encouraging when compared with that of similar exercises in the past, which were about 30% generally. Members also noted that staff of the URA would continue to actively negotiate with the remaining owners or their surveyor representatives with a view to reaching agreements within the next few weeks. "It is the objective of the URA that the ac
29 May 2002
Opening Ceremony of the Tai Kok Tsui Neighbourhood Centre
市區重建局的第三個地區辦事處-大角嘴地區辦事處,今日(五月二十九日)正式開幕,服務受重建項目影響的居民。 開幕儀式由市建局行政總監林中麟先生、市建局董事會成員兼市建局油尖旺分區諮詢委員會主席譚惠珠女士和油尖旺區議會主席仇振輝先生主持。 市建局在推行市區重建項目時,非常注重與居民及地區人士的溝通。大角嘴地區辦事處的啟用,將加强市建局和當地社區的聯繫。 大角嘴櫻桃街計劃是市建局在該區的首個重建項目,大角嘴近年發展迅速,區內一些殘舊樓宇與新發展的商住中心格格不入。市建局希望藉着重建這區,推動大角嘴區的經濟發展,創造更多商機和就業機會。 為了配合櫻桃街重建項目的展開,市建局成立了一支獨立社工隊,由專業社工為受到重建影響的居民提供協助及輔導,而居民亦可以在這個辦事處接觸到他們。 出席開幕儀式的嘉賓,還有油尖旺民政事務專員蔡志華先生、多位油尖旺區議員、市建局油尖旺分區諮詢委員會委員,以及市區重建社區服務隊的代表。 大角嘴地區辦事處的開放時間為星期一至五上午八時四十五分至下午六時,及星期六上午八時四十五分至下午一時,假期除外。諮詢電話為23912992。市建局其餘兩個地區辦事處電話為: 灣仔 2573 0638 深水埗 2729 8123
28 May 2002
Property acquisition of three URA early projects
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) has acquired 199 property interests (representing 48 per cent of 416) from owners of three early projects in Tai Kok Tsui, Sham Shui Po and Wan Chai when its purchase offers expired after 5 pm today (28 May 2002). At the same time, the Authority is actively negotiating with owners concerned or their surveyor representatives on about 200 property interests. Mr. Stephen Ng, District Development Director of the Authority described the progress as satisfactory and expressed appreciation for the owners' support and co-operation. "In order not to delay the implementation of the ambitious urban renewal programme, comprising 225 projects in 20 years, and the rehousing of tenants, the Authority will not extend the deadline of its purchase offers. However, th
8 May 2002
URA welcomes Government's financial support
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today welcomes the financial support given by the Government to facilitate the implementation of its urban renewal programme. The decision of the Chief Executive in Council to approve in principle the granting of land sites to the URA at nominal premium for its new projects and rehousing needs will definitely enhance the financial viability of URA's projects. This shows the commitment and determination of the Government to speed up the pace of urban renewal. "Upon the approval of the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council on the injection of $10 billion into the URA, the Authority will take forward as swiftly as possible the urban renewal programme outlined in our first-year Business Plan and the five-year Corporate Plan," said Chairman of the
26 Apr 2002
Opening Ceremony of the Sham Shui Po Neighbourhood Centre
市區重建局的深水埗地區辦事處今日(四月二十六日)正式開幕,以加強與當地社區的聯繫及服務受重建項目影響的居民。 開幕儀式由市建局行政總監林中麟先生、市建局董事會成員兼市建局深水埗分區諮詢委員會主席陳麗雲教授和深水埗區議會主席譚國僑先生主禮。 陳教授致詞時說,深水埗是一個典型的舊區,樓宇相當殘舊、人口密集,以及缺乏休憩用地。長者人口比率高達百分之二十,為全港之冠。 她說,市建局在區內率先推行的福榮街╱福華街重建計劃,不但可以改善居民的生活質素及衞生環境,更可提供設計完善的休憩空間,供區內居民享用。她希望深水埗地區辦事處的設立,會加強市建局與居民的接觸,促進彼此的了解。 譚國僑主席表示,福榮街╱福華街重建計劃是首個由公營機構在深水埗區推行的重建項目,他對此表示歡迎。他並鼓勵居民與市建局雙方多作溝通,表達意見,以助計劃的順利推行。 出席開幕儀式的嘉賓,還有深水埗民政事務專員馮浩賢先生、市建局董事會成員林貝聿嘉女士、多位深水埗區議員、市建局深水埗分區諮詢委員會委員,以及市區重建社區服務隊的代表。 深水埗地區辦事處的開放時間為星期一至星期五上午八時四十五分至下午六時,及星期六上午八時四十五分至下午一時正,假期除外。諮詢電話為2729 8123。市建局其餘的地區辦事處電話為: 灣仔 2573 0638 大角嘴 2391 2992
25 Apr 2002
URA to build Hong Kong a better home
The Board of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (25 April 2002) endorsed the Vision and Mission statements of the Authority which have been put forward as the guiding principles after thorough deliberations among Board members and URA staff. "Our Vision is to create a quality and vibrant urban living environment in Hong Kong----a better home in a world-class city. To realise our Vision, our Mission is to act on our priorities with ingenuity and sensitivity, join forces with our partners and nurture our people," a URA spokesperson said. The priorities of the URA are: To accelerate redevelopment by replacing old buildings with new to provide a better living environment; To enable and encourage the rehabilitation of dilapidated buildings to prevent urban decay; To preserve by m