Press Releases
Year 2021
4 Sep 2021
SPORTS EXPO Cheers for Hong Kong Athletes’ Success in 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
The Hong Kong Delegation completed the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games with flying colours. To celebrate the remarkable results Hong Kong athletes have achieved and solicit support from the public for athletes, the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) and Hong Kong Playground Association (HKPA) held a cheering event at SPORTS EXPO today (4 Sept). The event was officiated by Mr Timothy Fok, GBS, JP, President of the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China; Mr Victor Hui, GBS, MBE, JP, President of HKPA; Mr Sin Yat-kin, SBS, CSDSM, JP, Chairman of HKPA; Mr Chow Chung-kong, GBM, GBS, JP, Chairman of the URA; Ir Wai Chi-sing, GBS, JP, FHKEng, Managing Director of the URA; Mr Pui Kwan-kay, SBS, BBS, MH, Chef de Mission to Tokyo 2020 Olympics; Mr Yeung Tak-keung, JP, Commissioner for Sp
23 Aug 2021
Phase One of Revitalised Central Market Opens Signifing Blending Old and New
Jointly managed and operated by the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) and Chinachem Group (the Group), the revitalised Central Market celebrates its soft opening today, marking a new milestone for the Grade 3 historic building which is now open for public enjoyment, as phase one of the restoration and revitalisation work reaches completion. The new-look Central Market has captured and preserved many of its historical elements and integrated these into the open plan floor design. It adopted a “boundaryless spatial concept” to provide over 100 leasable units for retail and F&B, 1,000 square metres of green open space, and community spaces for a variety of art exhibitions, performances, and cultural activities, transforming the Central Market into a “Playground for All”. A very satisfactory
23 Aug 2021
Six Tenders Received for URA’s Bailey Street / Wing Kwong Street Development Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) received a total of six tenders for the Bailey Street / Wing Kwong Street Development Project (the Project) in To Kwa Wan when the invitation for submission of tender closed today (23 August 2021). A tender review panel (TRP) under the URA Board will consider the tenders received and make recommendation to the URA Board for its decision on the award of the development of the Project. The URA earlier invited interested developers/ consortia to submit Expressions of Interest for the Project. After careful consideration of the Expressions of Interest received, the TRP invited 33 property developers/ consortia to submit tenders. The Project, which covers a site area of 7,406 square metres, was commenced in March 2016. Upon completion, it will provid
5 Aug 2021
URA Issues Acquisition Offers for Shing Tak Street / Ma Tau Chung Road Development Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (5 August 2021) issued acquisition offers to property owners of the first URA’s pilot project authorised by the Government in Kowloon City, namely, Shing Tak Street / Ma Tau Chung Road Development Project (the Project), to redevelop buildings under the Civil Servants’ Co-operative Building Society (CBS) Scheme. The Land, Rehousing and Compensation Committee (LRCC) of the URA Board has earlier approved to offer owner-occupiers of the Project $19,848 per square foot of saleable area, which is the unit rate of a seven-year-old notional replacement flat of the same locality (Notional Unit Rate). In line with the established mechanism, the URA appointed seven independent consultancy firms by open ballot to assess the Notional Unit Rate for the Projec
23 Jul 2021
Invitation to Tender for URA’s Bailey Street / Wing Kwong Street Development Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (23 July 2021) invites a total of 33 property developers/ consortia to tender for the development of the Bailey Street / Wing Kwong Street Development Project (the Project) in To Kwa Wan. The URA will provide the relevant tender documents to the invited property developers/ consortia, based on which they can submit tenders for the development. All tender submissions should reach the URA Headquarters at 26/F COSCO Tower, 183 Queen’s Road Central, by 12:00 noon on 23 August 2021 (Monday). Any submission of the tender received after the specified closing time mentioned above will not be accepted. The tender review panel will consider the tenders received and then make a recommendation to the URA Board for its decision on the award of the develop
20 Jul 2021
URA Publishes Tender Amounts of Unsuccessful Submissions for Oak Street / Ivy Street Development Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (20 July 2021) published on an anonymous basis the tender amounts offered by the unsuccessful but conforming tenderers in the tender for the Oak Street / Ivy Street Development Project (the Project) in Tai Kok Tsui. The URA commenced the tender exercise of the Project earlier and a total of 14 tenders were received when the tender closed on 20 May 2021. After careful deliberation by the URA Board, the URA awarded the tender for the Project to Gain Concept Holdings Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Charming King Limited, on 10 June 2021. In addition to publishing the name of the successful tenderer and its holding company upon the award of the tender through a press release, the URA also disclosed at the same time the successful tender amount
12 Jul 2021
Second Round of Applications for Building Drainage System Repair Subsidy Scheme Opens Today
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) announced that the second round of applications for the Building Drainage System Repair Subsidy Scheme (the Scheme) opens from today (12 July 2021). The second-round application allows all eligible buildings to apply for the subsidy, irrespective of whether their buildings have outstanding statutory orders from the Buildings Department on common drains. With increasing public concerns that defective drains can be a means to spread COVID-19, a total of $1 billion has been earmarked in the 2021-2022 Government Budget to launch the Scheme. Tasked to be responsible for administering the Scheme, the URA will provide technical and financial assistance to owners of old buildings with relatively low rateable value, thus facilitating needy owners to organise re
2 Jul 2021
URA’s Urban Renewal Information System Receives International Acclaim for Taking forward Urban Renewal through Adopting Intelligent Geographic Information System
With the application of the geographic information system (GIS), the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) developed the Urban Renewal Information System (URIS) in 2019 to improve the organisation’s capability to process and analyse planning information and spatial data, facilitating the implementation of the new “planning-led” direction in urban renewal. The URIS received international recognition for its ability to consolidate data of the built environment and its extensive application in the work of urban regeneration. The URIS received the Special Achievement in GIS (SAG) Award from the Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri), a global authority on GIS technology today (2 July 2021). The SAG Award was created to recognise the application and implementation of GIS by corporations
29 Jun 2021
URA’s Kwun Tong Town Centre Project Pioneer in “District-based” Planning Approach to Rejuvenate Old District
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) celebrated today (29 June 2021) the completion of the residential project Grand Central and the opening of the shopping mall Yue Man Square (YM2) at the Development Areas 2 & 3 of the Kwun Tong Town Centre Redevelopment Project (K7 Project). The URA has been carrying out the urban renewal for 20 years since it was established by the Government in May 2001 under a new statutory framework and vision. The achievements made in the K7 Project is a testament that the URA has fully embraced the “people first, district-based and public participatory” approach in its urban renewal work. It worked closely with community members to formulate plans to improve the overall living conditions of residents and the community facilities in the old district, benefitting
25 Jun 2021
36 Expressions of Interest received for URA’s Bailey Street / Wing Kwong Street Development Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) received a total of 36 Expressions of Interest for the development of the Bailey Street / Wing Kwong Street Development Project (the Project) in To Kwa Wan when the invitation for submission closed today (25 June 2021). A tender review panel under the URA Board will shortlist the qualified developers from the submissions, taking into consideration their development experience and financial capability to undertake the development in accordance with the shortlisting criteria set by the tender review panel. Based on the principal tender terms approved by the URA Board, shortlisted developers will be invited to submit tenders for the development of the Project. The Project, which covers a site area of 7,406 square metres, was commenced in March 2016. U