Press Releases
Year 2007
20 Dec 2007
Local Characters reinforced by a Thematic Wedding City in Wan Chai
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Thursday) unveiled plans to create a "Wedding City" featuring Hong Kong's first wedding traditions and culture gallery as well as a social enterprise pilot scheme in the Lee Tung Street redevelopment project in Wan Chai. Announcing the plans at a press briefing, the Chairman of the URA, Mr Barry Cheung, explained that the idea was to bring back wedding related shops and businesses to give a local character of Lee Tung Street which was destined for redeveloping into a new community hub of shopping, culture and leisure. All wedding card shops formerly operating in Lee Tung Street will be offered priority to lease premises to operate their businesses in the Wedding City. "The Wedding City will be thematically designed and decorated, and will prov
13 Dec 2007
Invitation for Expression of Interest for Pine Street/Anchor Street Project in Tai Kok Tsui
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) will invite real estate developers to submit an expression of interest for the joint development of the Pine Street/Anchor Street redevelopment project in Tai Kok Tsui tomorrow (Friday). The project covers a site area of about 25,000 square feet and upon completion, is expected to deliver a maximum gross floor area of about 225,500 square feet for residential and commercial use. Parties interested in the project are requested to indicate their professional competence and financial capability to undertake the development in accordance with the requirements and criteria set by the Authority. Submissions should be made to the URA Headquarters at 10/F Low Block, Grand Millennium Plaza, 181 Queen's Road Central, by 5 pm on 28 December, 2007 (Friday). A
10 Dec 2007
Vounteer Service by URA Staff in Kwun Tong (Chinese Only)
兩幢位於市區重建局(市建局)觀塘市中心重建計劃範圍內的住宅樓宇,今年提早展開「歲晚大掃除」互助清潔行動。 是次清潔行動由市建局的職員會,聯同基督教家庭服務中心為觀塘市中心計劃成立的社工隊負責籌辦,共有約三十名市建局職員及其家屬,聯同觀塘居民義工,於日前(十二月八日)抽出工餘時間參加是次義務工作。 清潔行動的目標樓宇為「隆美大廈」和「中興樓」,由於這兩幢樓宇沒有成立業主立案法團,以致大廈的管理及衛生情況都未如理想。有見及此,市建局職員主動提出是項別具意義的工作,得到當地居民及街坊的響應和配合。 經過義工們幾小時的辛勤清洗工作,大廈的走廊及通道,立時變得煥然一新,衛生情況也有所改善。除清洗大廈公共地方之外,義工們亦藉此機會探望了大廈的居民,並派發清潔用品包和宣傳單張予居民,提醒他們在重建進行前仍須注意保持家居及環境衛生。
9 Dec 2007
Exhibition of Old Shops in the Central & Western District (Chinese Only)
為配合市區重建局在卑利街/嘉咸街重建項目開拓「老店街」的構思,市建局中西區分區諮詢委員會的保育諮詢小組,今日(星期日)起一連四周,在上環西港城地下舉辦「中環新面貌」展覽。 參與展覽的商店都是在中上環區經營多年的老字號,包括:源吉林、陳意齋、九龍醬園、永利威酒業、蓮香樓、馬百良藥廠、保心安藥廠和黃祥華藥廠。 參與展出的老店除了會以展版,介紹它們的發展事蹟之外,並會在展覽期間的四個星期日,派員在西港城設置產品示範攤位,供遊人觀賞或淺嚐。時間為正午至下午五時。 出席今日開幕禮的嘉賓包括:卑利街/嘉咸街項目保育諮詢小組主席甘乃威;小組成員李雷小玲、李潛穎、阮品強、陳捷貴、鍾蔭祥和簡機;小組顧問鄭寶鴻,以及時代生活集團執行董事陳羅寶靈。 卑利街/嘉咸街重建項目佔地約57,240平方呎。由於中上環區饒富歷史文化特色,故此市建局特別在中西區分區諮 詢委員會之下設立保育諮詢小組,匯集區議員、社區領袖、專家、學者、販商和居民代表的意見,以期在項目的規劃設計之中,加強地區特色,其中一項主要設計, 便是在嘉咸街兩旁設立首條匯集香港老字號而有歷史性的老店街。 整個展覽活動將會在12月30日完結,而保育諮詢小組會繼續搜集和聽取各界的意見。
8 Dec 2007
URA holds community workshop on Staunton Street/Wing Lee Street project
A Staunton Street location where Dr. Sun Yat-sen was baptized 124 years ago was a centre point of brainstorming in a community participation workshop held by the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Saturday). The location is situated within the URA's Staunton Street and Wing Lee Street redevelopment site. Although the American Congregational Mission Preaching House where Dr. Sun was baptised in 1883 and also lived from 1884 to 1886 is long gone, URA has decided that the location is of important historic value and should be commemorated as a monumental relic. The workshop is part of a public consultation exercise on how best to proceed with the commemoration as well as dealing with other community features of the project. The redevelopment site which is one of the 25 projects announce
19 Nov 2007
New package of enhancement policies for residents and business operators
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today announced a new package of enhancement policies for the benefit of residents and business operators affected by its redevelopment projects. The Chairman of the URA, Mr Barry Cheung, outlined details of the enhancement policies in a media briefing today. He said the new initiatives were designed under the existing policy framework, responding to aspirations and concerns of the affected residents and the community. They specifically have three important objectives, namely, to help retain the social network of residents as much as practicable, assist long-time business operators in re-establishing themselves in the locality and preserve retail trades that are considered a special character in a district. The enhancement package comprises: (1)
16 Nov 2007
Macau delegations visiting URA Kwun Tong site
市區重建局(市建局)今日(星期五)下午會晤來自澳門舊區重整諮詢委員會三十多名成員,向他們介紹市區重建局的工作經驗。 據了解,為了配合城市發展,澳門特區政府正積極進行籌備工作,在澳門推行舊區重整計劃。澳門訪問團由舊區重整法律 制度工作小組召集人黃顯輝和補償、安置及鼓勵政策工作小組召集人梁竟成率領,他們在澳門房屋局副局長譚光民和物業登記局局長梁美玲等官員陪同下,在下午抵 達市建局位於觀塘的辦事處,並由市建局董事會成員、觀塘分區諮詢委員會主席龍炳頤教授和市建局觀塘項目總監李樹榮接待。 會上,訪問團獲介紹香港的市區重建工作及觀塘市中心計劃的背景和最新發展,並獲安排實地參觀重建區。之後,雙方就市區更新課題作深入討論和分享。 (完)
18 Oct 2007
Kwun Tong District Advisory Committee reviewed its work progress
市區重建局觀塘分區諮詢委員會今日(十月十八日)舉行本屆最後一次會議,回顧過去兩年該委員會在觀塘市中心計劃取得的成果和進度。 該分區諮詢委員會主席龍炳頤教授在會上提交委員會工作報告時表示:「觀塘市中心計劃在過去兩年能夠順利推展,以及透過多次的社區諮詢活動,得到社區人士的積極參與,提供不同的意見和建議,全賴各委員的努力和推動。」 市建局經過兩年由下而上的四輪公眾諮詢工作,將居民、社區和不同團體的意見,融會貫通,成為最後的設計方案,可說是社區的方案,並制定了相關的發展計劃圖,送交城市規劃委員會(城規會)考慮。 城規會已經於今年十月五日將該將該圖則刊憲,並根據《城市規劃條例》進行為期兩個月的法定諮詢。 觀塘重建計劃的「社區方案」顯示獨特的布局,包括雙層的公共交通交匯處,大量的綠化空間,高而不密的建築群。在加強市中心區和周邊地區的連繫時,亦保留本地特式的「街坊街里」街舖,新型購物商場和小販市集,應有盡有。 現時觀塘市中心重建計劃已進入法定的諮詢階段,龍教授強調,若果受影響的物業業主,包括大、小業主,在公眾諮詢期間表達支持有關計劃,便會為政府、社區及商界締造三贏局面。龍教授呼籲居民把握機會,積極及踴躍向城規會反映意見。 他同時說:「是屆分區諮詢委員會的工作將於本次會議後結束,本人對於現任委員的貢獻,留下深刻印象,並衷心多謝他們的大力支持。本人相信來年新一屆的分區諮詢委員會亦會一如既往,努力與各持分者保持緊密溝通,務求觀塘市中心計劃能按部就班及按既定時間表進行。」 龍教授表示:「最新一期《觀塘路》亦於今日免費派發。除了報導觀塘市中心計劃的最新消息外,更刊載專家對設計方案的獨特見解,可讀性甚高。」 (完)
17 Oct 2007
Peel Street/Graham Street project begins property acquisition
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Wednesday) issued offer letters to owners of 361 property interests in 37 old buildings affected by the Peel Street/Graham Street project in Central & Western District. Measuring a total site area of about 57,240 square feet, the project is bounded by Peel Street, Graham Street, Gage Street, Wellington Street, Cochrane Street, Gutzlaff Street, Staveley Street and Kin Sau Lane in the Central and Western district. Buildings in the redevelopment area were constructed predominantly in the mid 1950s and early 60s, except for four pre-war buildings which the URA intend to preserve for adaptive re-use. The total development cost of this project is estimated at $3.8 billion, of which acquisition and rehousing cost is about $1.8 billion. The develop
15 Oct 2007
Yu Lok Lane/Centre Street project begins property acquisition
The Yu Lok Lane/Centre Street project of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) in Sai Ying Pun will take a major step forward when owners of some 80 property interests within the site boundary are offered purchase proposals today (Monday). Occupying an area of about 23,000 square feet, the site is presently occupied by 22 buildings mostly built in around 1950s. They are generally in a very poor condition and deemed to be beyond economic repair. Some of them do not even have toilet or basic sewage facility. The redevelopment will help improve the living conditions of about 80 households, comprising 270 residents, many of whom have long urged the URA to redevelop the area. In addition to a new residential development above ground level, the URA intends to turn the long- dilapidated area