Press Releases
Year 2008
26 Sep 2008
Result of Expression of Interest in URA's Lee Tung Street / McGregor Street Project in Wan Chai
In response to media enquiries today (Friday) on the result of the expression of interest exercise for the Lee Tung Street/McGregor Street joint development project in Wan Chai, a spokesman of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) said that a total of 15 submissions have been received. A tender review panel under the URA Board will shortlist the qualified parties and invite them to submit a formal tender for the joint development. It is expected that the tender exercise will take place in the near future. The project covers a site area of about 88,500 square feet and upon completion, is expected to deliver a maximum gross floor area of about 835,000 square feet for residential and commercial uses, together with public open spaces, a residential care home for the elderly and conservation o
24 Sep 2008
Brainstorming sessions on preservation of shophouses
市區重建局(市建局)今日(星期三)發信邀請社區人士出席保育活化戰前「騎樓」建築的集思會,為如何活化再用這些珍貴的建築,出謀獻策。 市建局發言人說:「歷史建築物不單應該妥為保存,更應活化再用,讓市民得以親近享用,全面發揮它們的經濟及社會效益,令我們的文化遺產得以持續保育。」 市建局上周五宣布啟動兩個保育暨活化項目,涉及20幢具顯著文物價值的戰前「騎樓」建築。該兩個項目分別位於太子道西╱園藝街和上海街╱亞皆老街。 位於太子道西及園藝街交界的10幢唐樓群建於1930年代,佔地約1,440平方米。至於上海街╱亞皆老街的10幢建築則建於1920-1926年。 為收集社會人士對活化再用該20幢戰前「騎樓」建築的建議,市建局將於下月初舉行集思會,詳情如下: 太子道西╱園藝街保育及活化項目集思會 日期:2008年10月4日(星期六) 時間:下午2時30分至4時30分 地點:香島專科學校一樓 (旺角運動場道29號) 截止報名日期:2008年9月30日 上海街╱亞皆老街保育及活化項目集思會 日期:2008年10月10日 (星期五) 時間:下午7時30分至9時30分 地點:香島專科學校一樓 (旺角運動場道29號) 截止報名日期:2008年10月3日 市建局今日發信邀請社區人士出席上述集思會,其他有興趣參加的市民,亦可於上述報名日期前以電郵方式報名。 (完)
19 Sep 2008
URA commences two preservation cum revitalisation projects
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Friday) announced the commencement of two preservation cum revitalisation projects involving 20 pre-war verandah-type shophouses of outstanding heritage value, the largest single conservation initiative ever undertaken in Hong Kong. These two massive preservation cum revitalisation projects will cost the URA about $1.33 billion. On the initiative of the URA to implement the projects at Prince Edward Road West and Shanghai Street in Kowloon, the Chairman of the URA, Mr Barry Cheung, said: "The conservation initiative is part of the expanded conservation strategy on 48 pre-war shophouses announced in March this year. The URA would like to give priority to these two projects which comprise 20 shophouses which are considered to have outstanding her
17 Sep 2008
Kwun Tong Town Centre project: updating of occupancy position
市區重建局(市建局)今日(星期三)向受觀塘市中心重建計劃影響的1,656名物業業主發信,要求他們提供其物業的現時佔用情況資料,以便市建局年底前向業主提出收購建議。 市建局發言人說:「市建局於2007年3月為項目進行凍結人口調查,至今已有一段相當時間,相信有些樓宇的使用狀況已有所改動。為準確釐定物業的現金收購價,市建局必須知道及更新有關物業現時的佔用情況。」 「我們要求有關業主提供協助,在2008年10月8日前填報及交回有關物業使用狀況的資料。同時,我們會在2008年9月23日及24日為業主舉行簡報會,協助有需要的業主填報有關資料。」 業主簡報會將於上述日期在九龍觀塘翠屏道3號基督教家庭服務中心舉行。 如果個別業主未能及時提供有關物業現時佔用情況的資料或提供錯誤或不完整的資料,市建局的現金收購價將無法包括適當的特惠津貼。 發言人強調,業主所提供的資料只會用作收購物業。如果個別業主沒有收到市建局的有關信件,請致電3679 3031或3679 3093查詢。 至於受重建計劃影響的租客,市建局會在完成收購有關物業後,處理他們的補償安置事宜。 (完)
9 Sep 2008
Press information: Kwun Tong Town Centre project
最新進展 根據城市規劃條例的規定,市區重建局(市建局)已於2008年8月29日向城市規劃委員會(城規會)提交觀塘市中 心重建項目的總綱發展藍圖。與此同時,早前獲得行政長官會同行政會議批准觀塘市中心的發展計劃草圖將於稍後時間刊憲。此項安排標誌著觀塘市中心計劃的規劃 程序,正式踏入另一個新階段。 建議的發展方案,是根據早前的發展計劃草圖深化而成。此計劃不但在觀塘市中心內,提供一個安全無車的步行環境和更 多的社區設施,同時亦致力保留街頭文化,讓市民可享用更多優質的公共休憩用地。優化後的觀塘市中心,可為觀塘區及東九龍,創造一個現代綠化都市及社區生活 新焦點。 另一方面,我們為準備今年12月向所有受觀塘市中心計劃影響的1,656名業主(包括270多個非住宅業權)提出物業收購建議,已經選出及委託合資格的專業測計師行為「七年樓」的呎價估值,同時,我們亦已委託測計師行為項目的每一個業權估值。 規劃效益 1. 改善環境及居住條件 2. 提供額外綠化休憩空間 3. 提供全天候的公共交通總匯,方便候車 4. 提供安全及無障礙環境,市中心與周邊的連繫,四通八達 5. 加入可持續發展元素 6. 提供更多社區設施 7. 改善空氣流通 8. 後移式群樓設計,擴闊行人路 改善生活條件及區內環境 重建項目內許多現有建築物都是1960年代興建的,後巷的小販攤檔及臨時結構已造成嚴重的環境問題,生活及衛生情 況惡劣。重新發展觀塘市中心後,現有的1,788家庭的生活條件將得以改善。同時,將可在美化的市中心提供大約2,000個新的住宅單位,為居民創造優質 的生活環境。 觀塘市中心:香港最綠化的市中心 現時觀塘市中心內的休憩用地只有約2,650平方米,主要包括裕民坊休憩公園、康寧道兒童遊樂場,以及其他小型休憩用地,並未能為居民提供足夠的休憩空間。 重建後的觀
20 Aug 2008
Hai Tan Street/Kweilin Street and Pei Ho Street project in Sham Shui Po will begin property acquisition
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) would issue offer letters to owners of 389 property interests affected by the Hai Tan Street/Kweilin Street and Pei Ho Street project in Sham Shui Po in two weeks. The Land, Rehousing & Compensation Committee of the URA Board has decided today (Wednesday) that eligible owner-occupiers of domestic properties would be offered $5,297 per square foot of saleable floor area. The acquisition offers for domestic properties are based on the Government's Home Purchase Allowance (HPA) policy in which HPA is the difference between the market value of the acquired property and that of a notional seven-year-old flat of similar size in a similar locality. In addition to the market value of the acquired properties, eligible owner-occupiers will receive the full HPA a
14 Aug 2008
Invitation for Expression of Interest Lee Tung Street / McGregor Street Project in Wan Chai
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) will invite interested parties to submit expressions of interest in the joint development of Lee Tung Street/McGregor Street project in Wan Chai tomorrow (Friday). The project covers a site area of about 88,500 square feet and upon completion, is expected to deliver a maximum gross floor area of about 835,000 square feet for residential and commercial uses, together with public open spaces, a residential care home for the elderly and conservation of three historical buildings. Parties interested in the project are requested to indicate their development experience and financial capability to undertake the development in accordance with the requirements and criteria set by the Authority. Submission should be made to the URA Headquarters at 10/F, Low
4 Aug 2008
Focus Discussion: Revitalisation Initiatives for Graham Street Market
A focus meeting to solicit public views on the proposed initiatives for maintaining and enhancing the local character and vibrancy of the market in the vicinity of the Peel Street/Graham Street project of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) will be held on Thursday (7 August 2008) evening at The Center in Central. A spokesman for the URA said: "We have been soliciting community views on the planning of the Peel Street/Graham Street project since 2005. While the Master Layout Plan of the project has been approved by the Town Planning Board in May 2007, the URA attaches a great deal of importance on maintaining the local features and characters within and in the vicinity of the Peel Street/Graham Street project." A Conservation Advisory Panel comprising experts, District Council members
28 Jul 2008
Makeover of Graham Street Market
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) will adopt tactical measures along with the implementation of the Peel Street/Graham Street project in order to keep the nearby century-old market intact as well as to enhance its vibrancy. At a media briefing to announce details of these measures after the URA Board meeting today (Monday), the Chairman of URA, Mr Barry Cheung, said: "These measures are targeted to ensure that business is as usual in the market during the construction of the project and to prevent it from further shrinking as a result of natural gentrification already taking place there." The URA has heard the voices of the community to retain the market when it announced the Peel Street/Graham Street project in 2007. These arrangements are mapped out in response to the aspirations
25 Jul 2008
Appointment of eleven surveying firms for HPA assessment for Kwun Tong Town Centre project (Chinese only)
1. 目的 市建局為準備今年12月向所有受觀塘市中心重建計劃影響的1,656名業主(包括270多個非住宅業權)提出物業 收購建議,今日以抽籤方式選出及委託合資格的專業測計師行為「七年樓」的呎價估值。此外,市建局已完成公開招標,委託3間專業測計師行為1,300多個受 影響的住宅業權進行個別的估值。有關非住宅業權估值,市建局亦透過相同的招標方式,委託3間專業測計師行對每一個業權開始估值。 2. 住宅物業收購建議 市建局的收購建議是以私人協約方式提出,而定價則以政府的「自置居所津貼」政策為基礎,另加相關費用津貼。「自置 居所津貼」是同類地區一個七年樓齡的假設重置單位的單位價值(即慣稱的「七年樓價」)與被收購物業的市價的差額。出租和非自住業主的住宅物業,則會獲得補 助津貼,根據現行機制,最高金額為「自置居所津貼」的一半。 3. 深化物業評估機制 市建局在聽取觀塘社區人士的意見後,有鑑於受影響的業權數目龐大,決定在現行評估「七年樓價」的機制上,擴闊專業獨立估價意見,使業主們更能安心。由於重建項目規模各有不同,下述安排只適合於觀塘市中心重建項目進行。 參與評估「七年樓」呎價的專業測計師行,會由現時的7間增加至11間,經由公開抽籤方式選出及委任。 參與評估個別住宅及非住宅物業的市值的專業測計師行,分別由現時的2間增加至3間,均經由公開招標委任。 在香港測量師學會現行登記冊內的71間從事物業估價測計師行,只要符合指定的專業經驗、執業年資及職員人數等條件,均可向市建局表達意向參與抽籤,以提供七年樓呎價評估服務。 4. 計算方法 在計算「七年樓」呎價時,市建局會先剔除該11個估價中最高及最低的數值,然後採取簡單平均法計算,以保證數據不會出現過分偏向任何一方。 在釐定個別住宅或非住宅物業的市值時,市建局會在3個估值之中,選取最高者為出價