Press Releases
Year 2014
18 Jun 2014
Property acquisition for a demand-led redevelopment project in To Kwa Wan to start soon
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) will soon issue conditional acquisition offers to property owners affected by a demand-led redevelopment project in To Kwa Wan, which is the second one in the district under the third-round pilot scheme. The condition offers for the project are deliberated and approved by the Land, Rehousing and Compensation Committee of the URA Board today (Wednesday). Eligible owner-occupiers of domestic properties of Nos. 68A - 70C To Kwa Wan Road (even numbers) will be offered $10,078 per square foot of saleable area which is equivalent to the unit rate of a notional replacement flat of seven-year-old situated in similar locality and of similar size. Letters setting out details of the conditional offers to owners of 129 property interests of the project will be iss
12 Jun 2014
URA Press Statement on Hai Tan Street / Kweilin Street & Pei Ho Street Project
市區重建局(市建局)就傳媒查詢今日法庭執達吏收回上述項目單位的行動,有以下回應: 2006年2月17日,市建局根據《市區重建局條例》宣布啟動海壇街、桂林街及北河街發展計劃,並於同日在該項目範圍內進行凍結人口調查。項目由公布至今,受影響的600多戶居民絕大部份已接受補償及順利遷出,只餘7名佔用人(其中包括2名天台、4名住宅及1名非住宅佔用人),尚待遷出。 今日被收回的物業位於項目範圍內的海壇街187號D五樓。 根據在2006年2月的凍結人口調查登記,有關物業分為前後兩部份;前部份無人應門,未能入屋登記,而後部份由2名租客佔用。 2010年11月19日,政府刊憲公告收回該項目的有關土地(包括該物業)。 項目自啟動至今已經8年,政府公布收地至今亦超過3年,期間,市建局/政府繼續與佔用人多次商討,並以同區另一個近期市建局進行收購的重建項目每平方呎$9,800的同區七年樓呎價為基礎,按照佔用人在凍結人口調查登記時的佔用狀况提高該物業的補償。但該佔用人開出的條件,是樓換樓或以西九住宅的呎價為標準,遠超市建局同區七年樓呎價可以提供的補償水平。此外,重建項目於2006年展開,不符合在2011年後才適用的樓換樓安排。項目已拖延近8年,該項目不可能無限期延誤,因此有需要取回該物業的空置管有權,使市建局可繼續該重建項目。佔用人可以接受政府的補償作為暫付款項,而他繼續申索補償的法律權利完全不會受到影響,他亦可向土地審裁處提出補償仲裁。市建局會繼續與住戶溝通。 如有需要,市建局可以安排臨時居所供該佔用人暫住。 (完)
12 Jun 2014
URA and JMHO sign Memorandum of Understanding on provision of mediation venues
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) and Joint Mediation Helpline Office (JMHO) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the Pilot Scheme for Community Venue for Mediation (Pilot Scheme) today (12 June) on the provision of meeting facilities for the Pilot Scheme. According to the MOU, the URA will provide meeting facilities at its Urban Renewal Resource Centre (URRC) at No. 6 Fuk Tsun Street in Tai Kok Tsui to residents in the service areas of the Authority for holding mediation meetings relating to disputes on urban renewal, building repair and maintenance, property valuation, construction and so forth. Both organisations hailed the partnering as a breakthrough in expediting the development of mediation services in old districts. Attending the signing ceremony today were the Executi
20 May 2014
Invitation to tender for development of Development Areas 2 & 3 of Kwun Tong Town Centre Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Tuesday) invited a total of 10 property developers to tender for the development of residential propertiesabove a podium providing retail and government facilities in the main site of the Kwun Tong Town Centre redevelopment project. The project is the largest redevelopment initiative ever undertaken by the Authority since establishment. With a total project site area of over 5.35 hectares, the project is divided into five development areas and being implemented in phases. The project areas being put up for development are Development Areas 2 and 3 which occupy a site of about 21,754 square metres bounded by Yue Man Square, Hong Ning Road, Mut Wah Street and Hip Wo Street in Kwun Tong Town Centre. The new development is set to provide a total
19 May 2014
URA’s Kai Ming Street demand-led project attains over 98% acceptance rate
Property owners representing over 98 percent of the undivided shares of the Kai Ming Street demand-led redevelopment project in To Kwa Wan have signed agreements to sell their properties to the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) within the 75-day conditional offer period expiring today (Monday). The URA made an early commencement of the No. 41- 51 Kai Ming Street (odd nos.) project last December under the third round of the demand-led pilot scheme after giving special consideration to the demolition orders issued by the Buildings Department relating to Nos. 45 - 51 Kai Ming Street (odd nos.). Conditional acquisition offers were then subsequently issued to property owners in the Kai Ming Street project on 4 March 2014. Subject to no appeal or dismissal of all appeals 30 days after the public
29 Apr 2014
Lai Sun Development Company Limited wins development of URA’s San Shan Road/Pau Chung Street Project in Ma Tau Kok
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Tuesday) announced that Winstead Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lai Sun Development Company Limited, has won the contract for the residential-cum-commercial development of San Shan Road/Pau Chung Street project in Ma Tau Kok by tender. With a site area of about 1,170 square metres, the project occupies a corner site abutting San Shan Road and Pau Chung Street in Ma Tau Kok. The project is planned to deliver a total gross floor area of about 10,534 square metres for an estimated total of 144 residential units, together with the provision of commercial space of about 1,756 square metres. Lai Sun Development Company Limited is one of the eight tender submissions received for the above development project. The URA Board after careful consider
14 Apr 2014
URA partners with students and NGOs to serve the residents in old districts
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) has partnered with 11 tertiary institutions and non-government organisations in 2013/14 academic year to bring love and care to the disadvantaged families, senior citizens, people living in sub-divided units and the mentally-challenged people in five old districts under the Community Service Partnership Scheme (CSPS). Speaking at the ceremony of appreciation just held over the weekend (12 April), Managing Director of the URA, Ms Iris Tam, commended all participating volunteers and partnering organisations for the community service. She truly appreciated that they have spent over 1,400 hours in this academic year bringing hearty services to residents being served. Since the launch of CSPS in 2012/13 academic year, over 2,600 service hours have been ac
11 Apr 2014
URA commences second redevelopment project in the third round of demand-led pilot scheme
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Friday) announced the commencement of the second demand-led redevelopment project under the third round of the pilot scheme which is scheduled for implementation in the Authority's 2014/15 Business Plan. The project, located at Nos. 68A - 70C To Kwa Wan Road (even number), is the ninth demand-led project commenced by the URA since the introduction of the demand-led pilot scheme in 2011. Speaking at a media briefing session this morning, General Manager (Planning & Design) of the URA, Mr Lawrence Mak, said among the 51 applications received in the third round, four projects which have fully met the selection criteria have been chosen for inclusion in the 2014/15 Business Plan of the Authority. Last December, the URA commenced in advance the pr
8 Apr 2014
15 Expression of Interest Submissions received for Development Areas 2 & 3 of Kwun Tong Town Centre Redevelopment project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) received a total of 15 Expressions of Interest submitted by developers and consortia for the development of residential properties above a podium providing retail and government facilities in the main site of the Kwun Tong Town Centre redevelopment project. The invitation for submission closed today (Tuesday). A tender review panel under the URA Board will shortlist qualified companies and invite them to submit tenders for the development project. The tender exercise will take place in the near future. The project is the largest redevelopment initiative ever undertaken by the Authority. The project areas being put up for development are Development Areas 2 and 3 which occupy a site of about 21,754 square metres bounded by Yue Man Square, Hong Ning Road
7 Apr 2014
URA’s San Shan Road/Pau Chung Street Project in Ma Tau Kok received eight tender offers
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Monday) announced that a total of eight tender offers have been received for the residential-cum-commercial development of San Shan Road/Pau Chung Street project in Ma Tau Kok. A tender review panel will consider the tenders received and make recommendation to the URA Board for a decision on the award of a development agreement in respect of this project. Earlier, the URA invited 19 property developers to submit a tender for the development after they had put forward their expressions of interest. With a site area of about 1,170 square metres, the project occupies a corner site abutting San Shan Road and Pau Chung Street in Ma Tau Kok. The project is planned to deliver a total gross floor area of about 10,534 square metres for an estimated t