Press Releases
Year 2014
23 Oct 2014
Invitation for Expressions of Interest for Development of Two URA Projects in Sham Shui Po
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) will invite interested developers to submit Expressions of Interest for the development of two projects in Sham Shui Po separately, namely the Hai Tan Street/Kweilin Street & Pei Ho Street project and Nos. 229A - G Hai Tan Street which is a demand-led project beginning tomorrow (Friday). The Hai Tan Street/Kweilin Street & Pei Ho Street project is a large-scale redevelopment project undertaken by the URA in Sham Shui Po with a total site area of about 7,510 square metres covering a cluster of three sites. Upon completion, it is expected to deliver a residential gross floor area of about 50,100 square metres, providing about 845 units. It will also provide a commercial gross floor area of about 5,400 square metres, about 1,900 square metres for Institutio
8 Sep 2014
URA’s To Kwa Wan Road demand-led project aborted as 80% acceptance threshold could not be met
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) announced that it would not proceed with a demand-led project located at Nos. 68A to 70C To Kwa Wan Road (even number) as a key condition requiring the acceptance of URA's conditional offers with execution of the Conditional Sale and Purchase Agreements by owners of no less than 80 percent of the undivided shares of each lot in the project site within 75-day offer period expiring today (Monday) could not be attained. The To Kwa Wan Road project is the second project commenced under the third round of the Demand-led Redevelopment Project (Pilot Scheme). The URA issued conditional acquisition offers to owners of 129 property interests on 25 June this year. As the To Kwa Wan Road project falls through, the URA will notify owners who have signed the sale an
3 Sep 2014
Property acquisition for URA’s Tonkin Street/Fuk Wing Street project to start soon
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) will issue acquisition offers to property owners affected by the Tonkin Street/Fuk Wing Street redevelopment project in Sham Shui Po shortly in September. Eligible owner-occupiers of domestic properties affected by the project will be offered $9,461 per square foot of saleable area, which is equivalent to the unit rate of a notional replacement flat of seven-year-old situated in similar locality and of similar size. The acquisition offers for the project are deliberated and approved by the Land, Rehousing and Compensation Committee of the URA Board today (Wednesday). The Tonkin Street project affects a total of 81 property interests. Property owners will have 60 days to consider the URA's offers. The URA's prevailing acquisition policy for both dome
3 Sep 2014
URA launches a new round of Graham Street Market Promotion
The Urban Renewal Authority today (Wednesday) kicked-off the third round of promotional activity to enliven a century-old open market in Central, which is located outside the boundary of URA's Peel Street/Graham Street project. About 70 shops and stall operators have participated in the three-week event. Starting from today until 26 September, patrons can use the cash coupons distributed at Graham Street Market and various MTR stations in Hong Kong for purchases at the participating shops and stalls. They will also be rewarded with special gifts made of environmentally friendly materials, such as shopping trolley, apron, hot pad, mitten, cleaning cloth and bowl. The opening ceremony today was officiated by URA Board Member and Chairman of URA's Central and Western District Advisory Com
1 Sep 2014
Sino Land and Chinese Estates Holdings win development of URA’s Kwun Tong Town Centre Project (Development Areas 2 & 3)
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) Board decided to award the contract for the development of the Kwun Tong Town Centre Project (Development Areas 2 & 3) to a consortium, Union Score Investments Limited, consisting of Sino Land Company Limited and Chinese Estates Holdings Limited, in a meeting today (Monday). The URA earlier invited a total of 10 pre-qualified property developers to submit a tender for the development under the revised tender terms and project requirements following the URA Board's decision in late July. The URA received a total of six tender proposals when the tender closed on 26 August. A tender review panel has carefully considered all tenders received and made recommendation to the URA Board. After careful deliberation, the URA Board considered that the offer made
26 Aug 2014
URA’s Kwun Tong Town Centre Project (DAs 2 & 3) received 6 tender offers
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Tuesday) announced that a total of six tender offers have been received for the development of Kwun Tong Town Centre Project (Development Areas 2 & 3) under the revised tender terms and project requirements. A tender review panel will consider all tenders received and make recommendation to the URA Board which will make a decision within September this year. Earlier, the URA invited a total of 10 pre-qualified property developers to submit a tender for the development under the revised tender terms and project requirements following the URA Board's decision in late July. The Kwun Tong project is the largest redevelopment initiative ever undertaken by the URA since establishment. With a total area of about 5.35 hectares, the project is divi
5 Aug 2014
Invitation to tender for Kwun Tong Town Centre Project (DAs 2 & 3) under the revised tender terms
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Tuesday) invited a total of 10 pre-qualified property developers to tender for the development of the Kwun Tong Town Centre Project (Development Areas 2 & 3) under the revised tender terms and project requirements following the URA Board's decision last week. The 10 pre-qualified developers (full list at annex), which had earlier submitted their expressions of interest, were previously selected by a tender review panel under the URA Board after taking into consideration their experience and financial strength to undertake the development in accordance with the requirements and criteria set by the Authority. All tender proposals should reach the URA Headquarters at 26/F COSCO Tower, 183 Queen's Road Central, by 5:00 pm on Tuesday, 26 August 20
29 Jul 2014
URA Board will make a decision before end of September this year for the tender outcomes of Kwun Tong Town Centre Project (DA 2 & 3)
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) Board decided to withhold the decision to award the tender for the Kwun Tong Town Centre Project (Development Areas 2 & 3) after careful consideration at today's (Tuesday) meeting. The URA earlier invited property developers to submit expressions of interest in tendering for the development of Development Areas 2 & 3, and ten pre-qualified property developers had been selected to put forward their tender proposals. The URA finally received four tender proposals. After careful deliberation, the URA Board decided to revise some of the tender terms and project requirements and invite the ten pre-qualified developers which had earlier expressed their interest to submit their tender proposals based on the revised terms. The URA Board will consider all t
15 Jul 2014
Four tender proposals received in preliminary counting for Development Areas 2 & 3 of Kwun Tong Town Centre Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Tuesday) announced that four tender proposals have been received for the development of Kwun Tong Town Centre Project (Development Areas 2 & 3), according to preliminary counting. A tender review panel will consider the tenders received and make recommendation to the URA Board for a decision on the award of a development agreement in respect of this project. Earlier, the URA invited 10 property developers to submit a tender for the development after they had put forward their expressions of interest. The project is the largest redevelopment initiative ever undertaken by the URA since establishment. With a total area of about 5.35 hectares, the project is divided into five Development Areas and is implemented in phases. Development Areas 2 a
25 Jun 2014
URA issues conditional offers to owners of To Kwa Wan Road demand-led redevelopment project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Wednesday) issued conditional acquisition offers to property owners affected by the To Kwa Wan Road demand-led redevelopment project in To Kwa Wan, Kowloon. Eligible owner-occupiers of domestic properties of Nos. 68A - 70C To Kwa Wan Road (even numbers) are offered $10,078 per square foot of saleable area which is equivalent to the unit rate of a notional replacement flat of seven-year-old situated in similar locality and of similar size. Details of the conditional offers are spelt out in letters to owners of 129 property interests who will have 75 days to consider and accept the offers. There must be an acceptance of URA's conditional offers with execution of Conditional Sale and Purchase Agreements by owners of not less than 80 percent of undiv