Press Releases
Year 2011
24 Feb 2011
URA welcomes Government's new strategy for Urban Renewal
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Thursday) welcomed the release of the Government's new Urban Renewal Strategy (URS), which entrusts the Authority with an expanded role in tackling the problem of urban decay in Hong Kong. "Under the new URS, the URA will be more pluralistic in its redevelopment approach, with the URA as a 'demand-led implementer' and a 'facilitator' in addition to undertaking self-initiated redevelopment projects," according to the URA Chairman, Mr Barry Cheung. "The new URS also offers broader compensation choices for residents affected by redevelopment projects. For example, with a URA new development, a flat-for-flat option will be provided, whether in-situ or in the vicinity, or at Kai Tak. This would represent an alternative form of compensation to owner-
14 Feb 2011
URA welcomes re-appointment of Managing Director
The Board of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Monday) welcomed the re-appointment of Mr Quinn Y K Law as the Managing Director of the URA for a term of two years, effective from 1 March 2011. "Under the able leadership of Mr Law over the past three years, the URA has faithfully and effectively taken forward Board-approved urban renewal projects and initiatives that have helped improve the built environment of urban areas in Hong Kong, enhanced the quality of life of residents in old dilapidated buildings and benefited the community at large," said URA Chairman Mr Barry Cheung. Mr Cheung noted that the achievements made so far are particularly laudable in view of the challenges facing the URA during the Urban Renewal Strategy Review process, and a dynamic and sometimes difficult
20 Dec 2010
Property acquisition for Ma Tau Wai Road Project to begin after completion of statutory procedures
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) intends to issue offer letters to owners of 159 property interests of the Ma Tau Wai Road/Chun Tin Street project by the end of January 2011, subject to there being no appeals made against the project on or before 17 January 2011. This is a decision resolved by the Board of the URA today ( Monday), taking into consideration a gazettal notice giving the Secretary for Development's authorisation to the URA to proceed with the above development project last Friday. In accordance with S28 (1) of the Urban Renewal Authority Ordinance (URAO), an objector to a development project who is aggrieved by a decision of the Secretary for Development may appeal to the secretary to the Appeal Board panel within 30 days after notification of the Secretary's decision.
20 Dec 2010
Promotional scheme for Graham Street Market commenced
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Monday) kicked off a six-week shoppers' reward scheme for patrons of the century-old Graham Street Market to enhance vibrancy of the area. Over 60 hawker stalls and shops have joined the scheme, which is entitled the "Double Rewards @ Graham Street Market". It is the first and one of the many initiatives of the URA to enhance vibrancy of the market alongside the implementation of the Peel Street/Graham Street project. Together with the Chairman of the Central & Western District Council, Mr Chan Tak-chor, the Chairman of the URA, Mr Barry Cheung Chun-yuen, and the Managing Director of the URA, Mr Quinn Law, officiated at the ceremony this afternoon. The six-week reward scheme will last until 31 January 2011. Patrons making a purchase at an
17 Dec 2010
URA Ma Tau Wai Road/Chun Tin Street Project: Authorization by the Secretary for Development
The Secretary for Development (SDEV) has authorized the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) to proceed with the Ma Tau Wai Road/Chun Tin Street project in Tokwawan, Kowloon. The authorization for the project is given under section 24 (4) (a) of the Urban Renewal Authority Ordinance (URAO) and is published in the Gazette today (Friday). The project was implemented by way of a development project in accordance with section 26 of the URAO. The implementation notice of the Ma Tau Wai Road/Chun Tin Street project was published on the Gazette on 24 February 2010 under section 23 of the URAO. It was followed by a two-month consultation period. In accordance with section 24(3) of the URAO, the Ma Tau Wai Road/Chun Tin Street project was submitted to the SDEV on 20 May 2010. Covering an area of
22 Nov 2010
Speaking notes of the Chairman of URA at a tea reception for the media (Chinese only)
深水埗海壇街重建項目跟進研究 海壇街項目是市建局在深水埗區至今最大規模的重建計劃,佔地達7,500平方米,受影響樓宇37幢,受影響人口867 戶。 市建局特別委託了香港大學社會系,就海壇街重建項目進行跟進研究。 這是市建局首次對市區重建項目進行的獨立學術性跟進研究,希望藉此更客觀、深入及全面地了解重建對居民的實際影響。 跟進研究主要是探討重建對居民有何影響,以及受影響的程度如何。 (甲) 研究第一部分 置業取向 跟進研究分為兩部分。第一部分主要是希望了解自住業主在取得補償後的置業傾向,和留存現金的數目。因為資料涉及私隱,業主多不願意透露。因此,市建局另外從土地註冊處樓宇買賣登記資料中,搜集項目內自住業主的置業情況,我們發現: - 其中7成自住業主在深水原區重新購置單位; - 自住業主所得補償平均有300多萬;單位面積較大的自住業主,可得到400多萬元補償。雖然他們完全足以購買同區7年樓,但自住業主傾向選擇購買樓齡7年以上、面積較細的物業; - 重新置業的自住業主中,46.3%留下100萬元以上,28.5%更留下200-350萬現金。 (乙)研究第二部分 由港大負責,分三次進行,包括: 居民遷居前的基線研究,以掌握居民的現況和遷居前的心態。 第二次研究在居民遷居後短期內以家訪形式進行,主要是了解受訪者搬到新居後的情況。 第三次研究在居民遷居最少三個月後,以跟進訪談形式進行。 共有175戶居民和商戶同意參與研究,受訪者包括住宅和商店的業主和租戶。 原區居住 研究發現,大部分居民可以在深水原區繼續居住,包括: - 87.5%的自住業主,及 - 63.5%的租戶。 新居狀況 受訪的租戶之中,約6成(58.3%)搬往香港房屋委員會提供的公屋單位。 超過一半受訪租戶(
22 Nov 2010
Sino Land Company Limited wins URA's Fuk Tsun Street / Pine Street project in Tai Kok Tsui
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Monday) announced that Star Talent Development Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sino Land Company Limited, has won the contract for the joint development project at Fuk Tsun Street / Pine Street project in Tai Kok Tsui in a public tender exercise. The project site is about 560 square metres and upon completion is expected to deliver a total residential gross floor area of about 4,200 square metres for 72 residential units, together with commercial space of about 840 square metres. In line with its recent approach, URA plans to provide at least 43 small-sized residential units in this project which will have an area of less than 46.5 square metres, i.e. about 500 square feet. Sino Land Company Limited is one of the seven tender submissions
12 Nov 2010
Tender closes for development of URA's Fuk Tsun Street / Pine Street project in Tai Kok Tsui
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Friday) announced that a total of seven tender offers have been received for the joint venture development of Fuk Tsun Street/Pine Street project in Tai Kok Tsui. A tender review panel will consider the tenders received and make recommendation to the URA Board for a decision in due course. Earlier, the URA received 15 submissions expressing an interest in the joint venture development of the project; all of them were invited to submit a tender for the development. The project site is about 560 square metres and upon completion is expected to deliver a total residential gross floor area of about 4,200 square metres for 72 residential units, together with the provision of commercial space of about 840 square metres. In line with its recent appr
20 Oct 2010
Invitation to tender for development of URA's Fuk Tsun Street/Pine Street project in Tai Kok Tsui
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Wednesday) invited a total of 15 property developers to tender for the joint development of the Fuk Tsun Street/Pine Street project in Tai Kok Tsui. The project site is about 560 square metres and upon completion is expected to deliver a total residential gross floor area of about 4,200 square metres for 72 residential units, together with the provision of commercial space of about 840 square metres. In line with its recent approach, URA plans to provide at least 43 small-sized residential units in this project which will have an area of less than 46.5 square metres, i.e. about 500 square feet. Following the expression of interest exercise which was closed on 7 October 2010, a tender review panel under the URA Board has decided to invite 15 in
14 Oct 2010
Highlights and new measures of revised URS (Chinese only)
在九龍城區成立首個「市區更新地區諮詢平台」: 該區有為數不少保養欠妥善的樓宇,是全港50年以上的舊樓最多的地區。 成立5億元獨立於市建局的「市區更新信 託基金」:基金雖由市建局出資,但基金會取代市建局,出資聘用社區服務隊;基金亦會支援「諮詢平台」各項活動,包括社會影響評估、政策研究、公眾參與活動 等;基金亦會接受由市建局以外的其他團體根據新藍圖進行的文物保育及地區活化活動的資助申請。 利用啟德用地為「樓換樓」計劃提供「首 個解決方案(first solution space)」:利用啟德北面停機坪,毗鄰公共租住房屋項目旁的一幅約1.1公頃的住宅用地,以反映有關發展的市值,批與市建局興建約1000個實而不 華,面積40至60平方米不等的中小型單位,供首個「樓換樓」計劃之用。預計第一期工程最快將會在2014年動工,在2017年尾落成。 保障弱勢社群:市建局計劃對市建局未出 價或成功收購物業前,租約已被中止的重建租戶,提供更大保障,只要租戶在人口凍結調查時已被登記,就算市建局未出價或成功收購物業,租戶被人中止租約,他 們都可以在市建局收購物業之後,得到3倍差餉租值的現金補償。長者業主在新的策略下,如果符合資格,例如年滿60歲、只有一層物業,以及証明有實際困難 等,可以得到接近「自住居所津貼」的補償額。 重建多元化:在啟動重建項目的方式上,會有三種模式。第一是現行由市建局主導的模式;此外,新策略增加了需求主導(Demand-led)和促進者(Facilitator)兩種新方式。 回購新單位安排回應「樓換樓」訴求 : 新的策略提供現金以外另一個選擇,讓重建業主通過補差價方式,去購買未來重建的新單位,或在啟德的重置單位。 擴大復修 : 市建局正在和政府和房協商討,把各個機構的復修計劃重新整理,推出一套統一的復修計劃;並計劃在市建局的工作區,設立「市建一站通