Press Releases
Year 2010
22 Jul 2010
Invitation for Expression of Interest for Third Street/Yu Lok Lane/Centre Street project in Sai Ying Pun
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) tomorrow (Friday) will invite interested parties to submit Expressions of Interest for the joint development of the Third Street/Yu Lok Lane/Centre Street project in Sai Ying Pun. The project site is about 2,150 square metres and upon completion is expected to deliver a maximum gross floor area of about 16,460 square metres mainly for residential use, together with the provision of public open space of about 1,100 square metres. It is expected that this development will generate about 270 residential units. URA plans to provide more small-size units in this project which will be smaller than 46.5 square metres, i.e. about 500 square feet. There is also a plan to preserve a pair of existing tenement buildings for adaptive re-use, and implement a theme
15 Jul 2010
Invitation for Expression of Interest for Main Operator of URA Mallory Street/Burrows Street Revitalisation Project "Art Community"
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) tomorrow (Friday) will invite interested parties to submit expressions of interest for the Main Operator of the Mallory Street/Burrows Street Revitalisation Project "Art Community" in Wan Chai. The project, comprising a cluster of 10 pre-war Grade 2 historic buildings, will be revitalised into a hub for culture and creative industries. The Main Operator of the revitalised building cluster will serve as a facility manager, an event organiser as well as a branding agent responsible for property management, organising events and daily operation, in addition to teaming up with various tenants/operators. Operated in the form of an "Art Community", the Main Operator will have to promote culture and creative industries in Hong Kong with the following objec
10 Jul 2010
Chairman of URA, Mr Barry Cheung, visits show flat at Lime Stardom
市區重建局(市建局)主席張震遠今日(星期六)參觀市建局與合作發展商新鴻基地產發展有限公司合作發展的形品.星寓的示範單位。該項目是在政府推出九招十二式,以及市建局公佈八項規管售樓措施之後,第一個市建局參與的公開發售樓盤。 他說,市建局及合作發展商非常注意各項售樓程序,務求符合九招十二式及市建局的規管措施。 張震遠認為形品.星寓的售樓程序已經完全符合這些措施,甚至超越有關措施的要求,例如已把所有377個單位的價單全部公佈。 市建局在未來18個月會有1,300個單位發售,其中7成約800個單位會在600呎以下。 他又表示形品.星寓的6成單位在500呎以下,售價介乎250多萬至300多萬元,相信可以回應到市場需求。 (完)
14 Jun 2010
Chairman of URA, Mr Barry Cheung: Review of the work of URA
各位新聞界朋友: 正如大家知道,發展局已經就市建局2009/2010年度的工作向立法會提交文件匯報。我希望藉此機會,與大家回顧市建局過去的工作,包括財政狀況,以及未來的發展。 首先,我會用「秉持使命、迎接挑戰」這八個字來形容市建局上一個年度的工作成果。 一如以往,我們堅守著以改善舊區居民的居住環境為我們的首要任務。 鑑於社會對市區更新的期望和要求不斷提升,面對這些挑戰,我們亦與時並進,加強與社區的溝通,引入新思維和適當的優化措施,目標是希望市建局的工作更能符合社會的需求。 市建局自2001年成立以來,一直奉行「以人為本」的原則及採取4R的業務策略,進行市區更新工作。 重建及保育 在重建及保育方面,我們至今一共推行了48個重建 項目,項目全部完成後約可提供約1萬8千個新單位,超過49萬平方米商業樓面面積、約7萬4千平方米的政府╱團體╱社區設施,約12萬6千平方米土地作其 它用途及超過3萬7千平方米的休憩用地。此外,我們已計劃保育45幢戰前樓宇,包括太子道西及上海街兩列香港碩果謹存的騎樓式建築。 樓宇復修 從2004年開始,市建局的資助計劃已經協助了510多幢樓宇的4萬個單位的業主,進行樓宇復修。 另外,我們亦大力支持政府的樓宇更新大行動,正在協助參與的800幢樓宇,在兩年內進行復修。 舊區活化 我們繼續在大角咀、深水埗、荃灣等多個重建項目附近進行街道活化工程。 以下,我希望介紹一下市建局去年工作的一些重點: 九大突破 去年市建局在多個範疇上採取新猷。這些突破包括: 以特事特辦,急事急辦的方式,啟動馬頭圍道╱春田街項目,我們採取特別安排,協助受塌樓事件困擾的居民盡早遷出。至今已收到8成半(202個)的住宅租戶及3成多(15個)的自住業主的申請,我們正加速處理這些申請。 推出8項強化措施,規
31 May 2010
Opinion poll supports Central Oasis Revitalisation Project
The Central Oasis revitalisation project of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) is overwhelmingly endorsed by over 80 percent of some 6,000 people and visitors who have been asked about their views in an opinion poll for the way forward of the ex-Central Market building. The interviewed public also do not want to see an over-commercialised Central Oasis with lots of brand-name shops. Speaking to the media after the third meeting of the Central Oasis Community Advisory Committee (COCAC) today (Monday) together with some of the COCAC members, its Chairman Professor David Lung said findings of the poll indicated that the theme of Central Oasis is the most preferred revitalisation option of the ex-Central Market. Professor Lung outlined the work of the COCAC in relation to its terms of refere
3 May 2010
URA: Eight additional measures on control of flat sale of redevelopment projects
The Board of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Monday) resolved to implement a package of additional measures for flat sale of its redevelopment projects with an objective to further enhancing transparency, taking into consideration the needs of the genuine home buyers. Outlining the additional measures for flat sales at a media briefing this afternoon, the Chairman of the URA, Mr Barry Cheung Chun-yuen, emphasised that the URA, as a public-funded statutory body, has all along attached a great deal of importance to flat sale arrangements for its redevelopment projects adopting higher standards of good practice than the market practices. "We hope to implement these measures with our joint venture partners so as to enhance our flat sale mechanism," he said. "According to the dev
30 Apr 2010
URA Statement
The following is a statement issued today (Friday) by the Chairman of the Board of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA), Mr Barry Cheung: "I am deeply honoured to be re-appointed Chairman of the Board of the URA by the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, for another three years. The task ahead for the URA is to ensure the success of our ninth Five Year Corporate Plan, which will see us implement our urban renewal projects across Hong Kong. We will take into account the need to achieve a sensible balance and new thinking in our work. Although the Government's review of its Urban Renewal Strategy is still in progress, it is clear that the URA will need to take on more new responsibilities in coming years because of heightened public expectations in almost every
30 Apr 2010
URA performs ground breaking of Pak Tze Lane project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Friday) held a ground breaking ceremony for the Pak Tze Lane project in Central, which celebrates Hong Kong's link to the 1911 Chinese Revolution. Speaking at the ceremony of the Pak Tze Lane project, the Chairman of the URA Mr Barry Cheung Chun-yuen said: "This worthwhile and meaningful initiative will provide members of the public with a themed and landscaped open space while at the same time manifesting the significance of Pak Tze Lane in modern history." Being one of the stops of the Dr Sun Yat-sen Historical Trail in Central, Pak Tze Lane was home to Furen Literary Society, whose founder also joined Dr Sun's Revive China Society (Xinzhonghui). Due to its strategic location, Pak Tze Lane was a place where revolutionaries frequented for mee
21 Apr 2010
Property acquisition for two URA redevelopment projects to start soon
The Land, Rehousing & Compensation Committee of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) has resolved today (Wednesday) that eligible owner-occupiers of domestic properties affected by two redevelopment projects at Shun Ning Road in Sham Shui Po and San Shan Road / Pau Chung Street in Ma Tau Kok would be offered $6,297 and $7,246 per square foot of saleable area respectively. The URA will issue offer letters to property owners of the two projects by 30 April 2010, who will have 60 days to consider and accept the offers. The Shun Ning Road and the San Shan Road / Pau Chung Street projects affect a total of 42 and 83 property interests respectively. The acquisition offers for domestic properties are based on the Government's Home Purchase Allowance (HPA) policy in which HPA is the difference
19 Apr 2010
Comic Drawing Competition on Building Rehabilitation
The importance of building rehabilitation for home safety has been vividly portrayed in a comic drawing competition organised by the Urban Renewal Authority (URA). The winning artists taking part are awarded for their imagination and creativity at a presentation ceremony this (Monday) afternoon. Rehabilitation is one of the key components of the URA's holistic 4R strategy in urban renewal, namely, Redevelopment, Rehabilitation, pReservation and Revitalisation. The Authority encourages building owners to carry out rehabilitation works through two incentive schemes, i.e. the materials incentive scheme and the interest free loan scheme, in order to enhance the quality and the structural safety of buildings in Hong Kong. The schemes are well received and so far owners of over 40,000 flats