Press Releases
Year 2004
20 Aug 2004
Invitation to Tender for Po On Road/Shun Ning Road Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Friday) invited a total of 21 property developers to tender for the joint development of the Po On Road/Shun Ning Road project in Shum Shui Po. The project site covers an area of about 15,000 square feet and is expected to deliver a gross floor area of about 135,000 square feet for residential and commercial purposes upon completion. Open space of about 2,700 square feet in area will be provided for the enjoyment of the local community. In the expression of interest exercise which closed on 28 July, 22 submissions were received from interested parties for the joint development of the project. A tender review panel under the URA Board decided to invite 21 of them for tender, after taking into consideration their experience and financial strength
30 Jul 2004
Invitation to Tender for Fuk Wing Street/Fuk Wa Street Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Friday) invited a total of 22 property developers to tender for the joint development of the Fuk Wing Street/Fuk Wa Street project in Shum Shui Po. The project site covers an area of about 14,900 square feet and is expected to deliver a maximum gross floor area of about 111,700 square feet of residential floor area and about 22,400 square feet of commercial retail area upon completion in 2008. In addition, about 2,700 square feet of open space will be provided. In the expression of interest exercise which closed on 9 July, 22 submissions were received from interested parties for the joint development of the project. A tender review panel under the URA Board decided to invite all of them for tender, after taking into consideration their experien
28 Jul 2004
Expression of Interest for URA's Po On Road/Shun Ning Road
In response to media enquiries on the result of the expression of interest exercise for the Po On Road/Shun Ning Road joint development project in Sham Shui Po, the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Wednesday) issued the following statement: A total of 22 submissions have been received expressing an interest in the joint development of the Po On Road/Shun Ning Road project site. A tender review panel under the URA Board will shortlist the qualified parties and invite them to submit a formal tender for the development. It is expected that the tender exercise will take place in the near future. The project site covers an area of about 15,000 square feet and is expected to deliver a gross floor area of about 135,000 square feet for residential and commercial purposes upon completi
25 Jul 2004
Site visit by the Housing & Development Board, Singapore
市區重建局(市建局)與新世界發展合作的堅尼地城新海旁重建項目,建築工程正進行得如火如荼。新加坡建屋發展局營建技術處處長劉裕民(圖1左四)(圖2右二)帶同部門的專業人員日前來港,實地了解承建商協興建築有限公司的預製組件建築技術。 這是新加坡建屋發展局半年來,第二次到堅尼地城新海旁重建地盤實地參觀考察。他們對於承建商能夠用平均五日時間,利用預製組件完成建造一層樓的外牆、樓梯、露台和有關部分,深表興趣,希望深入了解。 堅尼地城新海旁重建項目共有三幢住宅大樓,樓高49至57層。預計會在明年首季全部完工,共提供1,182個單位。
23 Jul 2004
New Ways to Rehabilitate Old Buildings
適當的舊樓復修,不但可以令居住環境更加舒適、安全及衛生,而且還可以提高樓宇的價值,活化舊樓的按揭市場,一舉多得。 市區重建局社區事務及公共關係委員會主席李偉民先生今日(星期五)在一項舊區樓宇復修專題創作比賽頒獎典禮致辭時,作上述表示。 他說:「經過市建局的推動,銀行界對復修樓宇的按揭市場潛力,反應正面。」 其他出席典禮的主禮嘉賓尚有油尖旺區議會主席陳文佑議員,市建局行政總監林中麟先生,及救世軍社會服務部總監郭原慧儀女士。 是項名為「居安『私』危---舊區樓宇復修專題創作比賽」的活動,由救世軍市區重建社區服務隊主辦及市區重建局贊助,今年4月至7月期間舉辦。目的是讓全港的中學生有機會親身體驗舊區樓宇的問題,並作專題探討研究,透過他們創作的作品,向舊樓業主宣揚樓宇復修的重要性。 李偉民說:「幾十年來,社會上普遍存在一種錯誤的看法,認為樓宇年齡大就一定變舊,變舊就一定殘破,殘破就一定要拆卸。事實並非如此,如果樓宇保養得宜,不單是舊而不殘,甚至可以比較普通的新樓更具吸引力,情況好比一部保養良好的老爺車,有時比較一般的新車更好用、更有吸引力、更有市場價值。」 市建局的樓宇復修計劃,目的是針對一般人對樓宇復修的薄弱意識,大力提倡復修文化,將這種文化植根社區。 他指出,市建局自去年十月推出樓宇復修試驗計劃以來,已有14幢大廈完成或正展開復修工程,亦有20幢的樓宇復修工程正在籌劃中,涉及4,000個單位。 此外,市建局最近亦推出一項樓宇復修貸款及資助計劃,協助經濟上有困難的業主,初步進展良好。未來五年,估計會有540幢大廈的業主受惠,單位數目約達3萬多個。 市建局期望舊區的舊樓,逐步變成都市綠洲,再次展現更美好的生命力。他說:「我們是本著『你肯做、我幫手』的原則,為業主提供物料資助、技術支援或財政的協助,亦擔當重要的中間人角色,令他們有信心、有動機、有能
22 Jul 2004
Nan Fung Group wins URA's Cherry Street project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Thursday) announced that a wholly owned subsidiary of Nan Fung Group, Best Treasure Enterprises Ltd., has won the joint development contract for its Cherry Street project in Tai Kok Tsui in a public tender exercise. The Cherry Street project was one of the three early launch projects for which land acquisition was commenced by the URA in March 2002. More than 200 owners have received compensation that has enabled them to set up new homes in newer and better environment elsewhere. In addition, about 320 tenant households have either received cash compensation or been resettled in public housing. Covering a site area of about 48,500 square feet, the Cherry Street project is expected to deliver a maximum gross floor area of about 459,000 square fe
20 Jul 2004
Invitation for Expression of Interest for Po On Road/Shun Ning Road Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) tomorrow (Wednesday) will invite estate developers to provide an expression of interest (EOI) for the joint development of the Po On Road/Shun Ning Road redevelopment project in Sham Shui Po. The project site covers an area of about 15,000 square feet and is expected to deliver a gross floor area of about 135,000 square feet for residential and commercial purposes upon completion. Open space of about 2,700 square feet in area will be provided for the enjoyment of the local community. Parties interested in the project are requested to indicate their professional competence and financial capability to undertake the development in accordance with the requirements and criteria set by the Authority. Submissions should be returned to the URA Headquarters
9 Jul 2004
Expression of Interest for URA's Fuk Wing Street/Fuk Wa Street project
In response to media enquiries on the result of the expression of interest exercise for the Fuk Wing Street/Fuk Wa Street joint development project in Sham Shui Po, the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Friday) issued the following statement: A total of 22 submissions have been received expressing an interest in the joint development of the Fuk Wing Street/Fuk Wa Street project site. A tender review panel under the URA Board will shortlist the qualified parties and invite them to submit a formal tender for the development. It is expected that the tender exercise will take place in the near future. The project site covers an area of about 14,900 square feet and is expected to deliver a gross floor area of about 134,100 square feet for commercial and residential purposes upon com
8 Jul 2004
URA tender closes for Cherry Street project
In response to media enquiries on the tender submissions for the joint development of the Cherry Street project in Tai Kok Tsui, the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Thursday) issued the following statement: A total of nine tender offers have been received for the residential/commercial development in Cherry Street, Tai Kok Tsui. A tender review panel under the URA Board will consider the tenders and make recommendation to the Board for a decision in due course. Earlier, 17 developers took part in an expression of interest exercise for the project. Sixteen of them were qualified and invited to place a tender. The Cherry Street project covers an area of about 48,500 square feet and is expected to deliver a gross floor area of about 459,000 square feet for commercial and residen
29 Jun 2004
Invitation for Expression of Interest for Fuk Wing Street/Fuk Wa Street Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) tomorrow (Wednesday) will invite estate developers to provide an expression of interest (EOI) for the joint development of the Fuk Wing Street/Fuk Wa Street redevelopment project in Sham Shui Po, the third site successfully cleared since the URA launched its urban renewal programme in March 2002. The project site covers an area of about 14,900 square feet and is expected to deliver a gross floor area of about 134,100 square feet for commercial and residential purposes upon completion in 2008. In addition, about 2,700 square feet of open space will be provided. Parties interested in the project are requested to indicate their professional competence and financial capability to undertake the development in accordance with the requirements and criteria s