Press Releases
Year 2017
16 Sep 2017
URA and TWGHs’ Young Leaders Programme nurtures secondary students to become future leaders
The "Touching Lives; Reaching Out: Young Leaders Programme", co-organised for the first time by the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) and the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs), concluded today (Saturday) with a finale event held at Citywalk in Tsuen Wan where participating students set up exhibition booths to showcase their leadership skills and achievements attained from the six-month leadership programme. The finale event was officiated by Chief Executive of TWGHs, Mr Albert Su Yau-on, and Managing Director of the URA, Ir Wai Chi-sing, who were joined by 60 participating students from TWGHs Mrs Wu York Yu Memorial College, TWGHs Lee Ching Dea Memorial College, TWGHs Chang Ming Thien College and TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College. The Young Leaders (YL) Programme, launched in March this year,
7 Sep 2017
市建局向觀塘區議會提供文件說明觀塘項目設計修訂要點 (Chinese version only)
就市區重建局(市建局)向城市規劃委員會最新呈交有關觀塘市中心項目的規劃申請,市建局今日(9月7日)向觀塘區議會提供文件,闡述各項規劃設計和所作修訂的要點,以供議員知悉。詳情如下。 今次規劃申請之重點,是要將觀塘市中心重建計劃第4發展區及第5發展區分開發展,以便加快重建步伐和改善區內行人和車輛交通,並且提供更多的公共休憩空間。 就近日有輿論指市區重建局(市建局)最新向城市規劃委員會(城規會)呈交有關觀塘市中心重建的規劃申請,憂慮新方案有別於早年的方案,今次規劃申請之重點,是要將觀塘市中心重建計劃第4發展區及第5發展區分開發展,加建平台連接觀塘港鐵站,以便加快重建步伐和改善區內行人和車輛交通,並且提供更多的公共休憩空間。有關規劃申請的重點,市建局在遞交申請前,已於2017年4月6日出席區議會會議並作介紹。 市建局現列舉以下修訂要點,以供各界知悉。 1. 公眾休憩空間及綠化比例 在市建局最新的規劃申請中(圖1),地積比率依然維持在8.06,與2008年方案一樣沒有改變。住宅 ˴ 商業 ˴ 政府及社區設施樓面面積全部維持不變。反之,公眾休憩用地則由2008年獲批准原方案的8,700平方米,增加至9,348平方米。綠化空間比例佔主地盤面積,亦由原規劃的不足3成增加至超過3成(圖2)。此外,市建局亦保持承諾保留原裕民坊公園內的三棵古樹。另外,市建局在聽到並考慮有關部門不希望公園內有水景設計,以確保公眾使用者安全的意見後,作出相關的設計修改。至於公園的內部設計尚未開始,待細部設計時會向議會講解。 2. 加強行人連接 所有規劃連接觀塘市中心重建計劃範圍與周邊的行人連接,與2008年方案相比並沒有減少反而加增。在最新的規劃申請中,連接觀塘港鐵站的行人連接,則由原本的兩組行人天橋,因應區議會意見,擴展成為一個廣闊的平台(圖3),以疏導日益增長之
5 Sep 2017
Invitation to Tender for Development of URA’s Peel Street/Graham Street Project (Site C)
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Tuesday) invited a total of 27 property developers/consortia to tender for the development of Site C of the Peel Street/Graham Street project. The URA will provide the relevant tender documents to the qualified property developers/consortia, based on which they can submit tenders for the development. All tender submissions should reach the URA Headquarters at 26/F, COSCO Tower, 183 Queen's Road Central, by 12:00 noon on 9 October 2017 (Monday). Any submission of the tender received after the specified closing time mentioned above will not be accepted. The tender review panel will later consider the tenders received and make recommendation to the URA Board for its decision on the award of a development agreement. The project is divided int
11 Aug 2017
28 Expressions of Interest received for URA’s Peel Street/Graham Street Project (Site C)
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) received a total of 28 Expressions of Interest for the development of Site C of the Peel Street/Graham Street project when the invitation for submission closed today (Friday). A tender review panel under the URA Board will shortlist the qualified developers, taking into consideration their experience and financial capability to undertake the development in accordance with the requirements and criteria set by the URA. The URA will soon invite the qualified developers to submit tenders for the development based on the principal tender terms approved by the URA Board earlier. The project is divided into three sites (Sites A, B and C) and is being implemented in phases. The site being put up for development is Site C bounded by Graham Street, Gage St
10 Aug 2017
URA’s summer programme takes students to Yau Mong to explore urban renewal
About 100 primary and secondary school students from various districts joined the summer programme organised by the URA this year to explore the local cultural and historical characteristics in Yau Ma Tei and Mong Kok (Yau Mong), and to understand urban renewal from different perspectives through experiential learning and interaction with the local people. A finale event was held today (Thursday) at the Urban Renewal Resource Centre for participating students to share their learning experience and utilise their creativity to depict their impression and vision for the Yau Mong district in the form of drawing. In partnership with five community organisations, the URA organised the experiential learning programme during this summer covering interactive workshops to equip the students wi
28 Jul 2017
URA commences 5th redevelopment project in Central & Western district
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Friday) commences the planning procedure of the Sung Hing Lane/Kwai Heung Street in the Central and Western district, which is the 5th redevelopment project initiated by the URA in the district. Occupying a site of about 1,120 square metres, the project covers Nos. 1 - 7 (odd number) and Nos. 2 - 4D (even number) Sung Hing Lane, Nos. 216 and 218 Des Voeux Road West, and Nos. 12 - 16 Kwai Heung Street (even number). Built between 1959 and 1978, the 14 street numbers of buildings within the project area are mainly in "varied" condition. The buildings are six to eight storeys without elevator. At a media briefing to announce details of the project, Head (Planning and Design), Mr Wilfred Au, said the project was undertaken with an aim to impr
26 Jul 2017
Invitation for Expressions of Interest for Development of URA’s Peel Street/Graham Street Project (Site C)
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) will invite interested developers to submit Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the development of Site C of the Peel Street/Graham Street project tomorrow (Thursday). The project is divided into three sites (Sites A, B and C) and is being implemented in phases. The site being put up for development is Site C bounded by Graham Street, Gage Street and Cochrane Street, covering a site area of about 2,685 square metres. Upon completion, it is planned to provide a gross floor area of about 40,275 square metres for office, hotel and retail purposes. The site will also provide a public open space of not less than 1,310 square metres for the enjoyment of the community. Information about the submission of the EOI for the project site will be available at
3 Jul 2017
URA to issue acquisition offers to three redevelopment projects in Kowloon City
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) will issue acquisition offers to property owners affected by its three redevelopment projects in Kowloon City, namely Bailey Street/Wing Kwong Street Development Project (KC-009), Hung Fook Street/Kai Ming Street Development Project (KC-011) and Wing Kwong Street Development Project (KC-012) this Friday (7 July). Eligible owner-occupiers of domestic properties of these three projects will be offered $15,383 per square foot of saleable area which is the unit rate of a notional replacement flat of seven years old situated in a similar locality ("Notional Flat Unit Rate"). The Notional Flat Unit Rate was approved by the Land, Rehousing and Compensation Committee (LRCC) of the URA Board last Friday. In line with the established mechanism, the URA appointe
23 Jun 2017
URA welcomes re-appointment of Michael Ma as Executive Director
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Friday) welcomes the Government's re-appointment of Mr Michael Ma Chiu-tsee as Executive Director of the URA for a new term of three years, effective 15 July 2017. "As one of the Executive Directors of the URA, Mr Ma has profound knowledge and expertise in urban regeneration, particularly in the area of town planning, which are essential for taking forward urban renewal and tackling the growing problem of urban decay in Hong Kong. The URA has, in the past year, commenced several redevelopment projects in the To Kwa Wan area under a district-based planning approach with a view to improving the built environment and providing better facilities for the community. Mr Ma has been playing a crucial role in formulating the related planning and design of
13 Jun 2017
URA Board approves refinements to its three rehabilitation schemes
The Board of the Urban Renewal Authority today (Tuesday) approved a number of refinements to its three rehabilitation schemes, which are Smart Tender Building Rehabilitation Facilitating Service Scheme (Smart Tender), Integrated Building Maintenance Assistance Scheme (IBMAS) and Mandatory Building Inspection Subsidy Scheme (MBISS), with a view to encouraging more property owners to carry out building rehabilitation work. IBMAS and MBISS are URA's rehabilitation schemes providing assistance to owners for building rehabilitation works and mandatory building inspection. The current average annual rateable value (RV) limits, at or below which IBMAS and MBISS are applicable, have been adopted as one of the joining criteria for IBMAS and MBISS. Under the refinements and with effect from toda