Press Releases
Year 2016
25 Oct 2016
Sino Land Company Limited wins development contract of URA’s Kowloon Road/Kiu Yam Street Demand-led Project in Sham Shui Po
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Tuesday) announced that Elite Land Development Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sino Land Company Limited, has won the contract for the development of Kowloon Road/Kiu Yam Street demand-led redevelopment project in Sham Shui Po. The URA earlier invited a number of qualified property developers to submit tenders for the project following an Expression of Interest exercise. The URA received a total of 11 tender offers when the tender closed on 5 October. After careful deliberation, the URA Board considered that the tender offer made by Sino Land Company Limited has met the tender requirements of the project and thus decided to award the development contract to Sino Land Company Limited. A spokesman for the URA said the Authority was pleased
17 Oct 2016
Press Release on Peel Street/Graham Street Project
市區重建局(市建局)今日(星期一)闡釋中環卑利街/嘉咸街項目的公共空間優化設計,提議將地盤C閣麟街旁的「磚石構件」重置於公共空間內,透過重塑昔日地段的格局,彰顯昔日「背靠背」的城市設計,有關方案亦平衡了「磚石構件」歷史重要性的彰顯及土力結構的安全性。 市建局執行董事(商務)馬昭智表示:「市建局一直尊重中西區的歷史和地區特色,透過卑利街/嘉咸街項目的設計,連同過往美化閣麟街周邊環境的工程,以及市建局在該區的其他保育項目(例如百子里)內提供的公共休憩空間,把中西區部分的歷史地標從『點、線、面』連結起來,更立體地把中西區的歷史特色充分彰顯。」 馬昭智解釋,市建局考慮到「磚石構件」的歷史意義,計劃將「磚石構件」融入將來項目內的公共空間,在可行的情況下,把狀況良好的「磚石構件」重置並豎立於公共空間,以彰顯昔日「背靠背」的城市設計。 他認為,市建局建議的保育方案必須兼顧安全考慮。市建局委託了獨立土力結構工程師進行勘察及研究,並參考該地點土壤成分的資料。根據初步的評估報告,該「磚石構件」的現時狀況低於土力結構標準,亦低於作擋土牆用途的安全系數最低要求,現有擋土牆必須進行加固工程以符合安全及土力結構標準。市建局會進行進一步土壤樣本抽取,現正等候地政總署的審批。他重申,市建局就「磚石構件」所進行的勘察,並不會對「磚石構件」構成任何損壞。有關的樣本抽取亦需得到政府相關部門的同意及遵守相關條例的要求。 市建局重置「磚石構件」的建議方案亦與香港中文大學梁保全香港歷史及人文研究中心在今年5至7月進行的獨立調查結果吻合,當中在支持保留磚石構件的被訪者中,約7成支持保留完好「磚石構件」並重置於將來項目內的公共空間。 (完)
5 Oct 2016
11 Tenders Received for URA’s Kowloon Road/Kiu Yam Street Demand-led Project in Sham Shui Po
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) received a total of 11 tender offers for the Kowloon Road/Kiu Yam Street demand-led redevelopment project in Sham Shui Po when the invitation for submission closed today (Wednesday). A tender review panel (TRP) under the URA Board will consider the tenders received and make recommendation to the URA Board for its decision on the award of a development agreement. The URA earlier invited interested developers to submit Expressions of Interest for the development and after careful consideration, the TRP decided to invite 27 qualified property developers to tender for the project. The project site, which covers an area of 543 square metres, was commenced in April 2013 under the second round of the URA's Demand-led Redevelopment Projects (Pilot Scheme).
6 Sep 2016
Invitation to Tender for Development of URA’s Kowloon Road/Kiu Yam Street Demand-led Project in Sham Shui Po
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Tuesday) invited a total of 27 property developers to tender for the development of Kowloon Road/Kiu Yam Street demand-led redevelopment project in Sham Shui Po. The URA earlier invited interested developers to submit Expressions of Interest for the development and a total of 32 submissions were received when the expression of interest exercise closed on 18 August 2016. After careful consideration, a tender review panel under the URA Board has decided to invite 27 qualified property developers to tender for the project. The URA will provide the relevant tender documents and principal tender terms approved earlier by the URA Board to the qualified developers, based on which they can submit tenders for the development. All tender submissions shou
26 Aug 2016
URA encourages students to explore urban renewal through experiential learning
More than 80 primary school students participated in a summer programme organised by the Urban Renewal Authority (URA), which aimed to inspire students to look at the importance of urban renewal and to explore ways to improve the quality of living through experiential learning and visits to some of the old districts in Hong Kong. A finale event was held today (Friday) at the Urban Renewal Resource Centre for the participants to share their learning experience in the past two months through a poster design competition, in which they put together their creative brains to design a poster based on various themes of the summer programme, covering green buildings, environmental sustainability and the importance of urban renewal. In partnership with five community organisations, the URA have
18 Aug 2016
32 Expressions of Interest received for Development of Kowloon Road/Kiu Yam Street Demand-led Project in Sham Shui Po
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) received a total of 32 Expressions of Interest for the Kowloon Road/Kiu Yam Street demand-led redevelopment project in Sham Shui Po when the invitation for submission closed today (Thursday). A tender review panel under the URA Board will shortlist the qualified developers, taking into consideration their experience and financial capability to undertake the development in accordance with the requirements and criteria set by the URA. The URA will soon invite the qualified developers to submit tenders for the development based on the principal tender terms approved by the URA Board earlier. The project site, which covers an area of 543 square metres, was commenced in April 2013 under the second round of the URA's Demand-led Redevelopment Projects (Pilot
9 Aug 2016
Invitation for Expressions of Interest for Development of URA’s Kowloon Road/Kiu Yam Street Demand-led Project in Sham Shui Po
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) will invite interested developers to submit Expressions of Interest for the development of the Kowloon Road/Kiu Yam Street demand-led redevelopment project in Sham Shui Po tomorrow (Wednesday). The project site, which covers an area of 543 square metres, was commenced in April 2013 under the second round of the URA's Demand-led Redevelopment Projects (Pilot Scheme). It is tentatively scheduled for completion by 2019/2020, upon which it is planned to provide about 80 residential units with a total residential gross floor area of about 4,070 square metres and 814 square metres of commercial gross floor area. Information about the submission of the Expression of Interest for the project will be available at the URA's website ( and published
14 Jul 2016
URA welcomes appointment of Michael Ma as Executive Director
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Thursday) welcomes the Government's appointment of Mr Michael Ma as an Executive Director of the URA, effective 15 July 2016. "As one of the Executive Directors of the URA, Mr Ma's profound knowledge and expertise in urban regeneration, particularly in the area of town planning, are invaluable for taking Hong Kong's urban renewal to a new level. His active participation in leading the development of the district-based planning approach and taking it through to its implementation in the various projects in To Kwa Wan recently commenced, have demonstrated his vision and passion for urban renewal," said the Chairman of the URA, Mr Victor So Hing-woh. Mr Ma joined the URA in 2006 and has played a key role over the years in formulating the URA's st
29 Jun 2016
URA to issue advance payment of acquisition offers for URA’s Chun Tin Street/Sung Chi Street Development Scheme soon
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) will issue acquisition offers to the property owners affected by the Chun Tin Street/Sung Chi Street (KC-008(A)) development scheme in Kowloon City next week, following the approval by the Land, Rehousing and Compensation Committee of the URA today (Wednesday). Eligible owner-occupiers of domestic properties will be offered the market value of their domestic properties and the Home Purchase Allowance (HPA), both of which were assessed at the commencement date of the project on 6 May 2016 by way of advance payment. The offer is $11,349 per square foot of saleable area, which is equivalent to the unit rate of a notional replacement flat of seven-year-old situated in similar locality and of similar size. The KC-008(A) development scheme includes the same
14 Jun 2016
URA Board approves enhancements to special compensation measure for Chun Tin Street/Sung Chi Street Development Scheme
The Board of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Tuesday) approved two enhancements to the one-off special compensation measure announced earlier for the affected owners and tenants of the Chun Tin Street/Sung Chi Street Development Scheme (KC-008(A)) commenced on 6 May 2016. The two enhancements are introduced after taking careful consideration of the unique circumstances of the KC-008(A) Development Scheme and the time that might involve in obtaining the approval from the Town Planning Board. KC-008(A) covers the same buildings of KC-008 Development Project, which had not been authorised by the Secretary for Development and was withdrawn by the URA on 6 May 2016. Under the two enhancements to the special compensation package, domestic and non-domestic owners accepting the mark