Press Releases
Year 2013
12 Apr 2013
URA commences the first two projects in the second round of demand-led pilot scheme
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Friday) commenced the planning procedures for two redevelopment projects in the second round of demand-led pilot scheme, the first batch of four projects selected to be launched in its 2013/14 business plan. The other two demand-led projects are expected to be kicked start in the next few months. Speaking at the media briefing this morning, Director (Planning & Design), Mr Michael Ma, said the demand-led model, which provided an opportunity for owners to initiate redevelopment of their own properties, received an overwhelming response from property owners as a total of 34 submissions had been received in the second round of applications. "Among the applications received, four projects which have fully met the set of selection criteria determ
3 Apr 2013
URA endeavours to enrich young people with urban renewal knowledge through art and cultural activities
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) has organised various school activities to inspire youngsters to explore urban renewal issues from different perspectives. A drama competition centred on the theme of rehabilitation was organised this year for secondary school students, coupled with a drawing competition that encouraged primary school students to utilise their drawing skills to depict the unique moments and scenes they found in old districts. The final of "Maintaining Buildings for Quality Living" Drama Competition and the prize presentation of the Drawing Competition for primary school students were held at the Youth Square in Chai Wai on 28 March. On the same occasion, winners of the Living Heritage Photo Contest, which was part of the "Living Heritage Exploration" programme organize
27 Mar 2013
URA and HKHS: New arrangement for building rehabilitation service in Kowloon, Kwai Tsing and Tsuen Wan
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) and the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) today (Wednesday) announced a new arrangement for the Integrated Building Maintenance Assistance Scheme (IBMAS) in Kowloon, Kwai Tsing and Tsuen Wan. Beginning from 1 April 2013, the URA will be responsible for receiving and processing all new IBMAS applications in these areas while the HKHS will continue to follow through the applications already received in these areas prior to that date. The IBMAS has amalgamated all assistance schemes provided by both the URA and HKHS into a single one-stop service since 1 April 2011. As at the end of 2012, the two organisations have assisted about 570 buildings (24,000 units) plus 1,630 individual owners under IBMAS. The new arrangement announced today has been worke
22 Mar 2013
URA’s Demand-led Projects in Sham Shui Po and Tai Kok Tsui: Authorisation by the Secretary for Development
The implementation of two demand-led redevelopment projects of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) in Sham Shui Po and Tai Kok Tsui respectively takes a major step forward with the authorisation of the Secretary for Development (SDEV) published in the Gazette today (Friday). The authorisation for the Authority to proceed with the two projects, one at 205 - 211A Hai Tan Street in Sham Shui Po and another at Pine Street/Oak Street in Tai Kok Tsui, is given under Section 24(4)(a) of the Urban Renewal Authority Ordinance (URAO). The two projects were implemented by way of a development project in accordance with Section 26 of the URAO. The commencement notices of the two demand-led redevelopment projects were published in the Gazette on 20 April 2012 under Section 23 of the URAO. Written
8 Mar 2013
URA commences the 15th redevelopment project in Sham Shui Po
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Friday) commenced the planning procedures of the Tonkin Street / Fuk Wing Street redevelopment project in Sham Shui Po, bringing the number of redevelopment projects initiated by the Authority in the district to 15 so far. The project, if implemented, will greatly improve the living environment of some 110 households. At a media briefing to outline details of the project, Director (Acquisition and Clearance) of the URA, Mr Ian Wong, said Sham Shui Po will see a facelift in a few years' time upon the gradual completion of on-going redevelopment projects and the continuous building rehabilitation efforts of the Authority in the area. "Until now, the announced projects altogether have been helping some 6,000 people to improve their living condi
4 Mar 2013
URA invites public to name Kai Tak “Flat-for-Flat” project
市區重建局(市建局)今日(星期一)宣布舉辦「全民鬥出『名』」比賽,邀請市民集思廣益,齊動腦筋和發揮創意潛能,為市建局 啟德「樓換樓」項目構思一個別出心裁而又切合該項目特點的中文名稱。 市建局「樓換樓」先導計劃是2011年出台的《市區重建策略》其中一個亮點,為市建局2011年2月24日以後開展的重建項目的住宅自住業主提供現金補償以外的另一選擇。項目地盤佔地約5,700平方米,將主要興建四幢住宅樓宇,提供約500個實用面積由約330至670平方呎不等的住宅單位,預計2016年落成。 項目以優質實用為設計原則、加入環保元素、提供綠化環境及住戶公用設施。 市建局發言人表示:「啟德『樓換樓』項目由市建局負責發展,其設計原則結合了專業意見及民調結果,因此我們希望市民大眾亦可以參與為項目命名。」 他補充說,我們建議參賽者先行了解市建局啟德「樓換樓」項目的設計和特色 ,例如自然通風、高綠化率、單位間格實用、採用耐用材料及提供適合長者設施等,然後發揮創意,創作一個充分反映「樓換樓」項目特色的中文名稱。 參賽作品必須是原創作品。最多五名被挑選的具創意名稱的參賽者,每人可獲得港幣5,000元現金獎。如名稱最終被採用為該項目的中文名稱,參加者可另外獲得港幣25,000元現金獎。 有關參賽細則和表格,以及項目的設計和詳情,已上載至市建局網頁。截止日期是2013年4月3日,比賽結果將於4月底前公布。 (完)
18 Jan 2013
URA commences second industrial building redevelopment pilot scheme project in Cheung Sha Wan
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Friday) announced the commencement of an industrial building redevelopment project in Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, the second of its pilot scheme after the kick-off of the first one in Kennedy Town of Central & Western District last October. At a media briefing to outline details of the project, Director (Acquisition and Clearance - Industrial Buildings) of the URA, Mr Joseph Lee, said the second project under the pilot scheme would see the industrial building be redeveloped into an office premises. "As the proposed office use is in conformity with the statutory zoning for this area, property acquisition for redevelopment can start right away as soon as it has gone through the necessary planning procedures and obtained authorisation from the Gover
7 Jan 2013
Nine Expressions of Interest received for Main Operator of URA’s Central Oasis Revitalisation Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) received a total of nine Expressions of Interest for the Main Operator of its Central Oasis revitalisation project at the former Central Market building when the invitation for submission closed today (Monday). A tender review panel under the URA Board will shortlist qualified companies and invite them to submit tenders for the Main Operator of the project. The tender exercise will take place in the near future. Standing on a 43,000 square feet site amidst the hustle and bustle of the Central district, the Central Oasis project aims to revitalise the 74-year-old, four-storey former Central Market building into a retail-cum-leisure diversified development with the provision of greeneries and quality public spaces as a new hang-out area. (ENDS)
24 Dec 2012
Major breakthrough for URA’s demand-led redevelopment projects before deadline
The second and third demand-led redevelopment projects of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) in Sham Shui Po and Tai Kok Tsui respectively have today (Monday) achieved a major breakthrough with owners representing more than 80 percent of the undivided shares per lot having agreed to sell their properties to URA. The Chairman of the URA, Mr Barry Cheung, congratulated the property owners on fulfilling the key term of the Authority's conditional offer within the 60-day offer period and extended his appreciation to them for their joint efforts, in particular to the shop owner in the Tai Kok Tsui project who has also agreed to sell his property to URA for redevelopment just before deadline. "Thanks to his co-operation and agreement to participate, this is extremely good news to some 300 resi
10 Dec 2012
URA welcomes appointment of Iris Tam Siu-ying as Managing Director
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Monday) welcomes the Government's appointment, which takes effect from 1 March 2013, of Ms Iris Tam Siu-ying as Managing Director of the URA. The Chairman of the URA, Mr Barry Cheung, said: "My fellow Board members and I have been working closely with Ms Tam over the past six years, and we have been consistently impressed by her profound knowledge, insights and passion for urban renewal." Ms Tam joined the URA in 2006 as Executive Director (Planning and Project Control), and has been deputising for the Managing Director in project planning and management. Mr Cheung added: "Apart from her invaluable contribution to urban regeneration in Hong Kong, including the formulation of new policy proposals during the Urban Renewal Strategy Review, Iri