Press Releases
Year 2006
24 Nov 2006
New Alternative of Relocation Assistance for Domestic Tenants in Hardship
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) announced today (Fri) that eligible domestic tenants residing in premises of URA projects, who are not entitled to any compensation or financial assistance, can opt for a special allowance - Relocation Assistance, to relieve them of temporary hardship following termination of their tenancies by the landlords. A URA spokesman said: "This allowance is complementary to the existing safety net for tenants in hardship. Although the number of households in need is expected to be very small, the URA, after consulting the residents and interested parties, would like to offer them assistance where appropriate. This is also in line with URA's caring approach to urban renewal." The amount of the allowance is three times the average monthly market rent of a publi
2 Nov 2006
Press Statement on Staunton Street Project (Chinese Only)
有關士丹頓街/永利街項目的發展問題,市區重建局(市建局)發言人今日(星期四)回應傳媒的查詢時表示: 市建局過去一直有與恒基地產(恒地)就士丹頓街/永利街項目的發展問題交換意見。在不損害雙方權益的基礎上,探討可行的方法,推動此項目的發展。市建局至今仍然歡迎恒地繼續進行商討。 由於恒地不同意城市規劃委員會批准市建局對士丹頓街/永利街項目提出的發展計劃圖,因此提出司法覆核。經高等法院判定恒地敗訴後,恒地較早時申請上訴。上訴庭會在本月中展開研訊。 由於該項目的法定規劃程序尚未完成,因此市建局未能展開物業收購或租客安置補償工作。不過市建局基於以人為本的工作方針,一直以來都與居民保持緊密接觸,盡力協助他們解決問題,其中包括環境衛生、治安以及個別家庭的住屋問題等等。 此外,市建局及其社工隊亦有為居民提供適切的輔導,協助有需要的居民向社會福利署申請體恤安置,至今已經有六個家庭受惠。若果有關業主或租客所處的樓宇證實有結構危險,市建局亦可以協助他們作出適當的居所安排。 市建局今日會同中西區民政事務處及有關政府部門和區議員,與居民會面,了解他們最新的情況和解釋市建局可以提供的援助。 (完)
27 Oct 2006
URA Welcomes New Appointments to the Board
The Chairman of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA), Mr Edward Cheng Wai-sun, today (Friday) welcomes the appointment of Mr Walter Chan Kar-lok, Dr Isaac Ng Ka-chui, Mr Aaron Wan Chi-keung and Mr Stephen Yip Moon-wah as non-executive directors of the URA Board. "With their varied background, profound expertise and experience, the new members to the URA Board will certainly make significant contributions to the work of the URA in fulfilling its mission of bringing forward a sustainable urban renewal programme. This programme will improve not only the livelihood of residents in the old districts but also generate a continuous driving force furthering the economic development of Hong Kong," Mr Cheng said. "We look forward to working closely together with them as a team and with our stakehold
23 Sep 2006
Happy Mid Autumn Festival for elderly residents in Sham Shui Po
一年一度的中秋佳節即將來臨,由市區重建局職員及其家屬自發組成的探訪隊,今日(星期六)展開愛心探訪之旅,特地探望了居住在市建局深水?海壇街重建項目的長者、單親家庭及其他居民,提早與他們分享佳節的歡樂氣氛。 深水?海壇街重建項目是市建局其中一個較大型的項目,現時仍然處於法定的城市規劃階段,估計約涉及680戶家庭。在救世軍市區重建服務隊的協助下,近四十名市建局探訪隊成員攜同應節食品,探望了重建項目內約七十戶家庭。 居民對於探訪隊員表達的愛心關懷及餽贈,莫不欣喜開懷;特別是長者家庭,當他們見到只有四、五歲的探訪隊成員,莫不笑逐顏開,令家中頓時充滿節日的歡樂氣氛。 今次是市建局職員探訪隊連續第三年,自發在佳節探訪舊區居民。過去兩年分別探訪了中西區和大角咀區的居民。探訪隊成員包括來自資訊科技、人事管理、財務管理、合約規格管理、地區發展、規劃設計、對外關係和社區發展等不同部門的市建局職員及其家屬。 (完) 二○○六年九月二十三日
15 Sep 2006
URA commences property acquisition for Sham Shui Po Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Friday) issues purchase offers to owners of 160 property interest affected by the Lai Chi Kok Road / Kweilin Street and Yee Kuk Street development scheme in Sham Shui Po. Measuring 35,500 square feet, the two adjacent project sites at Lai Chi Kok Road / Kweilin Street and Yee Kuk Street include some 320 households comprising 800 residents, living in 17 buildings that were mostly built in the 1950's. Owner-occupiers of domestic properties will be offered $3,894 per square foot on a saleable area basis. The owners will have ample time to consider the URA's offers and to accept them within the next 60 days. "According to the Government's policy approved by the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council in March 2001, owners who actually live t
18 Aug 2006
URA begins property acquisition of Fuk Tsun Street project in Tai Kok Tsui
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Friday) issued acquisition offers to owners affected by the Fuk Tsun Street / Pine Street project in Tai Kok Tsui, where some 300 residents are living in three dilapidated residential blocks built in the 1950s and 60s. A total of 80 property interests are affected by the project. Owner-occupiers of domestic properties will be offered $4,131 per square foot on a saleable area basis. They will have ample time to consider the URA's offers and to accept them within the next 60 days. "According to the Government's policy approved by the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council in March 2001, owners who actually live there will receive a home purchase allowance on top of the market value of the properties concerned. The total compensation amount
16 Aug 2006
Mallory Street project begins property acquisition
The Mallory Street revitalization project of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) in Wan Chai has taken a major step forward when owners of four private property interests within the site boundary are offered purchase proposals today (Wednesday). Occupying an area of about 8,400 square feet, the project stands at a site which currently has two rows of "Tong Lau" comprising 10 Grade II listed buildings, of which 6 are owned by the Government. The URA intends to redesign, restore and refurbish six buildings of four-storey at Mallory Street to provide about 20 partitioned units of about 650 square feet each for individual users. This pilot project is a new and unprecedented attempt of the URA to help revitalize the older part of Wan Chai and foster Hong Kong's development of cultural and crea
10 Aug 2006
URA roadshow unveils development concepts for Kwun Tong Town Centre
A district-wide roadshow on three future development concepts of the Kwun Tong Town Centre redevelopment project of the Urban renewal Authority (URA) is unveiled today (Thursday), marking a major milestone of the project, by far the largest single project ever undertaken by the URA in terms of size and complexity. The three concepts are developed separately by three architectural consultant firms based on various notional schemes proposed by the Kwun Tong community and planning and architecture professionals in a participatory workshop in January this year. Whilst the concepts adopt different styles and features, all three aim to give Kwun Tong a town centre of quality urban living combining extensive greening, large open space, enhanced public and community facilities, all-weather tr
8 Aug 2006
Community Participation in Development Designs for the Kwun Tong Town Centre Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) announced today (Tuesday) the launch of a two-month public consultation exercise on the development design concepts of the Kwun Tong Town Centre, the largest single redevelopment project that the Authority has ever undertaken. Speaking at a media conference, the Managing Director of the URA, Mr Billy Lam, said the Kwun Tong Town Centre project, covering a site area of 5.3 hectares, would take 12 years or more to complete and would provide a strong impetus for the sustainable growth of Kwun Tong, as well as serving as an important hub of East Kowloon. "The URA has been, and will continue to, work very closely with the local community as partners in building a modern and vibrant Kwun Tong Town Centre of tomorrow," Mr. Lam said. The URA's Chairman of
30 Jun 2006
URA Fuk Tsun Street / Pine Street development project: authorization by the Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands
The Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands (SHPL) has authorized the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) to proceed with the Fuk Tsun Street / Pine Street development project in Tai Kok Tsui. The authorization is given under section 24(5) of the Urban Renewal Authority Ordinance (URAO) and is published in the Gazette today (Friday). The implementation of the project was first published on the Gazette on 16th December 2005 under section 23(1) of the URAO. This was followed by a two-month consultation period. The project was submitted to SHPL on 21st April 2006 in accordance with section 24(3) of the URAO. The project area is bounded by Fuk Tsun Street, Pine Street and Ivy Street, covering an area of about 536 sq. m. The buildings within the project site were built in the 1950s and 1960s